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RE: Statement: 0.22.5

To my understanding the exchanges powered up a ton of liquid Steem that belonged to their clients and voted with it.
Is this legal ?? This Steem is now locked up and will take 13 weeks to power down. What happens if their clients want to remove their Steem ??
Want to make a bet that the new witnesses do a fork to allow a quick power down ?
Seems to me that Sun and the exchanges have exposed themselves to a fair amount of legal trouble and depending on the country, criminal charges as well as being a giant bag of dicks.


Thanks for the info @allmonitors lol
I missed that post but saw that coming, can't have that Steem that the exchanges unethically/illegally powered up and voted with locked up for 13 weeks.

try to get everybody to withdraw steem from exchange. that is all we can do to help steem network

Yup. That's what you get for doing business with "The Chinese" (especially ones whose dapp focus is gambling (with totally shady (scammy) features (I've now analyzed several of them since the takeover). As soon as I have a Chinese person (from mainland China, specifically) had bought Steem I hit that giant "power-down" button with vigor, as a precaution. Now my only hope is that the system remains functional for long enough to get my remainig 12 weekly power-down payouts, which I will put into @Splinterlands. If Steemit survives I will still use it for the communities, and to make a little money for Splinterlands cards. I think dapps like Splinterlands are ultimate the BEST thing that came out of this platform (in terms of long-term viability).

There is bad Chinese people and there is bad Russian people... But there is also good people from those countries... All my projects so far have been funded by Chinese investors, never had problems with them as long as I have talked Chinese with them... Try talking English with them and you become nobody...

All I will say in response is: I wonder what the world would be like without 'The Chinese"? (define that term however you would like). And judging from history, I am not the first to WONDER about such issue (define that statement however you would like)...

USA wouldn't exist and instead of the big US companies we know now there would be more big Chinese, Taiwanese and Singaporean companies.

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