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RE: Your resource state (experiment)

in CCS7 months ago

You responded promptly to @soulfuldreamer's request ;-)))

We had a Steemian in Deutsch Unplugged, @umdenker, who tried something similar. As a life coach, he tried to convert his sessions into an online format. This failed for several reasons.

Your text is good, you limit yourself to simple, short sentences. Perhaps an interested reader can read the text aloud to him or herself and record it. With the repeated playback in connection with your pictures, I think one comes quite close to a bio-feedback experience.

Please continue this; it could be really exciting...!

 7 months ago 

Thanks for the feedback.
Unfortunately, I don't have someone who can adequately do a voiceover of this text so that I can record it properly.
Not all exercises will be effective in text format. They are best done with your eyes closed and listening to an audio recording.
But I'll try to come up with something :)

Yes, you mentioned that. That's why I suggested that the readers themselves could create such recordings. I don't know if it makes a difference if you hear your own voice...?

 7 months ago 

Live speech (audio recording) has its accents, intonation, pauses - all of these have a certain meaning.
Even the impact of an audio recording will be different than if I were doing a face-to-face session with a particular person.

But if someone makes a recording in their own voice and listens to it, it will be more effective than a screen-reading format.

Живая речь (аудиозапись) имеет свои акценты, интонации, паузы - всё это имеет определённое значение.
Даже воздействие аудиозаписи будет другим по сравнению с тем, как если бы я проводил сеанс с конкретным человеком в очном формате.

Но если кто-то сделает запись своим голосом и будет прослушивать её, это будет эффективнее формата чтения текста с экрана.

... or you ask one of our english / american friends to make an audio file for you...? ;-))

 7 months ago 

it's a good idea and it's crossed my mind before. But it's hard for me to approach someone with such a request.

I haven't heard any of my friends' voices and I don't know how they sound in the recording. That makes a difference, too.

Besides I see another important point. The translation from Russian to English should be "adequate". I'm not quite sure about automatic translators. Although... as you said, simple short sentences could be used.

I'll have to think about it.

это хорошая идея и она уже приходила мне в голову. Но мне трудно обратиться к кому-нибудь с такой просьбой.

Я не слышал ничьих голосов моих друзей и не знаю как они звучат в записи. Это тоже имеет значение.

Кроме того я вижу ещё один важный момент. Перевод с русского языка на английский должен быть "адекватным". Я не совсем уверен в автоматических переводчиках. Хотя... как ты говорила, можно использовать простые короткие предложения.

Надо подумать.

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