CCS Contest: "Share the Beauty of Nature around you with us" [Enjoying the Beautiful Nature Surrounding Me] 🏞️🌤️🏕️

in CCSlast year

Have a Blessed day Steemians!

Greeting to all and I thank God first for all the good things He has in my life, and I pray that everyone of us is in good condition right now. A few days ago, I have received a message regarding this amazing contest which will going to share our beautiful nature surrounding us and I am happy to hear and read this knowing that I also love to share the beautiful scenery of nature here in my place most especially the mountains here.


Just a few days ago, I have decided to climb again after so many months of not visiting the mountain at the back of my house. The mountain is not that really tall but the pathway to reach the peak is not that easy. It for me almost 10 minutes of climbing to reach the peak of the mountain. I thank God for as I was climbing, I found a small snake that makes me feel afraid a little bit but though it happened, I still go forward and climb.



Finally after a few minutes of climbing, I have reached the peak of the mountain and as I was their already, though I am very tired the breath of fresh air counterpart the heat and tiredness I've felt and even the scenery that I've seen will gives at peace of my mind and wipe away everything I've feel. As I was looking at the surrounding, it came on my mind that God is so good all the time for I can see how creative and amazing He is creating this wonderful nature our world have. I was watching the surrounding then I can even see other mountains which is taller than where I am now and hoping to climb it too.


What makes me smile too is when I look at the heaven, it reminds me that after all the hardship in life God have created a good thing for us to enjoy, so we must be still and always put our trust in Him alone. The skies above was indeed very eye-catching and it was very good to look at. It has different forms looks like a thing or a animals. What a great experience for me today to enjoy the nature God gave to us and that we must always put on our mind to take good care of it so that our next generation will also appreciate and enjoy that way we appreciate and enjoy it now.

God have entrusted the nature we have right now and He wanted us to take good care of it because if not, their is always a consequences of what we do, act now, protect now for a greater future of our nature.

To God be all the Glory! 😇🤗🙏

Long Live to CCS Community

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 last year 

All this is very interesting, but where is the photo of the green snake... 🤣 😂😅

 last year 

When there are mountains, I know that I can go up there to get a new perspective on life from above. Thank you for participating in CCS Contest. 👌

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