The Diary Game 09/20/2022

in CCS2 years ago

The Diary Game 09202022.png

Hey everyone!

I continue to work with the system for checking the uniqueness of posts and text analysis.


Script for sorting an array depending on the frequency of finding words.

 // index.js
const dsteem = require('dsteem');
const client = new dsteem.Client('');
var natural = require('natural');
var tokenizer = new natural.WordTokenizer();
 function sortByCount(array)
    if( !Array.isArray(array) )
        throw new TypeError('Incorrect type of ' + typeof array);

    let valuesMap = new Map();
    array.forEach(elem => {

        valuesMap.set(elem, valuesMap.has(elem) ? valuesMap.get(elem) + 1 :  1);

    let arr =  [...valuesMap.entries()].sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]);

    return => value[0]);

    const filter = "created";
    const query = {tag: "steemit",limit: 1}
    console.log('Post assembled.\nFilter:', filter, '\nQuery:', query);

        .getDiscussions(filter, query)
        .then(result => {
            //console.log('Response received:', result);
            if (result) {
                var posts = [];
                result.forEach(post => {
                    const json = JSON.parse(post.json_metadata);
                    const image = json.image ? json.image[0] : '';
                    const title = post.title;
                    const author =;
                    const created = new Date(post.created).toDateString();
                    let upvote = post.active_votes.length;

let text2 = tokenizer.tokenize(post.body);

// исходный массив
let fruits = ['banana', 'fruit', 'apple', 'apple', 'orange', 'banana', 'orange', 'banana', 'banana', 'apple'];

let ex = sortByCount (text2);


            } else {
                console.log('No result');

        .catch(err => {

But we still need to remove "noises" - words that do not carry a significant semantic load, like:


Wow, there are many packages for language processing.

npm install sentiment

var Sentiment = require('sentiment');
var sentiment = new Sentiment();
var result = sentiment.analyze('Cats are stupid.');
console.dir(result); // Score: -2, Comparative: -0.666

I publish post about this:

photo_2022-09-20_21-22-42 (2).jpg


Yesterday I went to the house on the same principle, and woke up in the apartment, as in the past days. During the day I cleaned the garden. In the evening I went and bought food. It is cloudy and cold in our city. And it's raining. I want to communicate, so I'm looking for new friends now.

photo_2022-09-20_21-22-42 (3).jpg


Yesterday I went into the elevator and heard someone coming into the entrance. And I decided to wait for the person and said loudly "I'm waiting for you!". It turned out to be a girl. And she got off the floor below, on the fifth floor, and I went to the sixth.

And then I regretted that I did not talk to her. And I even came up with a script for how I would communicate with her. I came up with a simple scheme that I would say "hello!", Then, perhaps, "how are you!". And I will say that I live on the floor above and can we go for a walk?

But today I again went into the elevator with this girl (!!) and the maximum that was enough for me was to tell her "good evening!".

Here's how interesting it is. Will I meet her again? And can I say anything more to her?

Thank you for your attention
Have a nice day!


 2 years ago 

Interesting day

This post was selected for Curación Manual (Manual Curation)

@tipu curate

Thank you!

 2 years ago 

Seems a lot of programming works there.

Yes, you right) Thank you for you comment, @shula14

Бро, будь уверенней! Вдруг она ждёт от тебя решительных действий?

Thank you for you comment!

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