“Steemit Engagement Challenge |S14W3 | Parents Strict Behavior and Children’s Mental Health”.

in Steem4Bloggers7 months ago (edited)

Steem greetings to everyone,accepts special greetings from my mother land country Cameroon.Today am grateful participating in this new week3 season14 engagement challenge.I will be sharing my thoughts focused on the topic “Parents Strict’s behavior and children’s mental health”.


Edited by photoGride

Parents have a very great role to play to their children’s life as guidance and mentors .This always to ensure the child should take paths of life and not prone negative behavior as they grow .This is because most cases of children who are not well behaved in the society.Are traced back by lack of parental care.

Eventhough,Parents should be also very careful the way they handle their children.St times being too strict to a child to scared them to shy away to to express themselves when they are in fear .They should be a manner of giving guidance to your children. With the guided questions given below 👇I will share my thoughts based on my experience.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Strict’s parenting

Parenting is a very essential thing should take it as a habits to do it for kids on daily basis.The following are advantages of Strict’s parenting

Advantages of Strict’s parenting
  • It’s makes most children to be conscious choosing positive things from negatives .This is because they are always afraid falling negative behaviors .This because their parents will not take it easy with them.

  • They are well behaved in the society because of that strict parenting that was given to them.

  • Most children who have strict parenting are very calm ,talk less and listen more and very respectful.

  • Strict’s parenting makes a child to be focus in life and ready to accept any situation he or she find himself in life.

  • Most strict parenting children avoids spending late hours and always indoors

Disadvantages of strict parenting .
  • Strict parenting makes the child to be too reserved and not socializing with others.

  • These children always depressed and are afraid to speak to someone what they are passing through.

  • Strict parenting children are not always satisfied in life at times they feel so lonely.

  • Making decisions to most parenting children is very difficult within them.This is because they have live a life that everything was been determined by their parents.

What do you feel if you are in the place of children who have such to face strictness

The truth is strict parenting is not good for children.We can try and as much to discipline our children should be too Strict’s because you might end up spoiling them.Yes if I find myself in this situation as a children, is easy as this age to say we can do this but at the end we can’t do anything.

The only thing I can do is to follow my parents parents and confined them. That am not comfortable with the harsh rules in name of parenting . If they can’t listen to me I will confined to someone closer to my parents that I have trusted . That can confined to my parents to play a discipline role as parents to me but not been Strict’s method.At times it me led to stigmatization which is not good for health.

As a child what do you expect from a parents regarding their behavior?

As a child I will always loved to have that parenting care,love and discipline always .This what most children expect from their parents .There is no child that will love to past through harsh implementing rules from the parent or Strict’s rules in the name of parenting.

My parents should not be that type of people that will make me run always because of their strict rules me .I love to have but love have but parents I consider but best friends and I can confined in them so easily when I see my self in danger or to seek for a solution.

What are the negative effects of emotional blackmailing ?

Firstly,emotional blackmailing makes the child to feel frustrated and depressed.It’s might led to psychological trauma to a child passing through such treatment.

Secondly, Such children facing emotional blackmailing might end up taking the wrong paths in life.This is because everything was imposed in them without no dialogue.Making a right decision for themselves will be come difficult.

Thirdly, Most children passing through blackmailing feel abandoned and feel there don’t have no one that cares .There feel everyone around is a suspect and turn not to speak out to a confined person to intervene.

Lastly, Emotional blackmailing limits socialization and interaction with people in the society.Life turn to be very difficult and make someone not to feel comfortable in the society with people.

I haven come to the end of my discussions,I would invites @anroja @ridwant @pandora2010 @crismenia and @solaymann to participates in this contest with their entries.

 7 months ago 

Cuando los padres se extralimitan con las exigencias hace que el niño ,se siente con miedo temor e inseguro.
Por lo tanto al momento de educar a los hijos hay que ser flexibles

 7 months ago 

Greeting sister @wirngo your thoughtful insights on the impact of parents' strict behavior on children's mental health. Your detailed exploration of the advantages and disadvantages provides a well-rounded perspective. It's evident that you recognize the importance of a balanced approach to parenting, fostering a supportive and open relationship between parents and children. Your consideration of the negative effects of emotional blackmailing adds depth to the discussion, highlighting the potential long-term consequences on a child's well-being. Keep sharing your valuable perspectives💗✨

 7 months ago 

Thank your my dear for seeing the same way with me with my points ,I really appreciate

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 7 months ago 

A properly disciplined upbringing can save a child from falling into an abyss of no return, but overdoing it can also sink the child and encourage negative behaviors that will prevent him/her from stable emotional development.

Best regards friend and success in this challenge that makes us reflect as parents.

 7 months ago 

You are right friend thanks for reading through my post.I really appreciate

 7 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!🤗

La disciplina es un hábito muy lindo que los padres le imparten a sus hijos y, me gusta mucho porque, más allá de ser una conducta estricta, considero que es una manera de guiarnos para hacer las cosas correctas.

Sin embargo, cuando esa disciplina se excede y, vemos que los padres se extralimitan en la exigencia, ya las cosas dejan de ser igual porque, vemos que se impone un estilo de acciones en las que, muchas veces los hijos no quieren participar.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 7 months ago 

Thank you friend for engaging in my post .You have added to my content interesting and meaningful knowledge about strcts parenting .I can think we need to take precautions of this

 7 months ago 

Strict parenting is good and has some levels. Sometimes parents abuses it making children endangered to some lifestyle. I appreciate my parents for giving me the best of their strict nature because it was all good.

 7 months ago 

Yes you are right to an extent but I will say strict parenting to an extent is not good . I can work for few children but the truth is that a child can be disciplined but not to strict .Some instead instead go wayward because of strict parenting.As a parent you don’t to heat hard on a child in the name of parenting .The manner you do it matters a lot .Thanks for engaging in my post friend

 7 months ago 

Hello ma good morning, am happy to see the beautiful faces of your children once again 😍🥳.

Children really need to get enough care from their parents so that they won't end up with bad friends outside home because they no longer see themselves as a responsible and good kid because of the way their parents treated them.

I wish you good luck in this tough and incredible engagement challenge ma, greetings from Nigeria🇳🇬.

 7 months ago 

You right friend thanks for seeing my post worth interesting and thanks for the best wishes to us

 7 months ago 

Due to strict behavior of parents, children may come out of wrong decisions. It is good for the child. Most children today cannot take it positively. It is true that harsh behavior often has a negative effect on the child, which destroys the child's creativity. Your post is instructive dear friend.

 7 months ago 

Yes the harsh or stricts parenting to me is not goods they are many ways you can discipline the child without instigating .thanks

 7 months ago 

Yes, children can be taught with love without harshness to understand.

 7 months ago 

Son varias las ventajas de tener un padre estricto sin embargo, pienso que un padre debe buscar un punto medio con lo estricto que es, ya que puede causarle varios traumas a un niño pequeño como lo es la baja autoestima, la falta de confianza y muchas cosas más. Los niños con padres estrictos vivirán la mayor parte de su niñez con miedo de lo que dirán sus padres si hacen algo mal así sea algo mínimo. Éxitos en el concurso.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for reading through my post and find it interesting .I do really appreciate the support and the knowledge you have added in .Best luck with your entry

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