The Tech Quiz - Season 19

in Steem4Bloggers4 months ago

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Could you provide information about Sora AI?

So, a couple weeks ago, I was mindlessly scrolling LinkedIn like usual, when suddenly my feed just gets flooded with posts about this new AI thing called Sora. Being the curious George that I am, I had to dig deeper and find out what the hype was all about.

So, I hopped over to YouTube to see if I could find more info, and when I saw those Sora AI-generated videos on OpenAI's channel, I was blown away! I couldn't believe something like that could happen so damn quickly.

Sure, after ChatGPT hit the scene, we all knew text-to-video AI was on the horizon. But I never imagined it would advance this rapidly and to such an insane level. Anyways, let me just cut to the chase and tell you guys what Sora AI actually is. 😄

Sora AI is an exceptionally powerful AI model developed by OpenAI. Its key feature is the ability to convert text into video. Yup, you just describe something to it, and boom - it'll generate a video based on that description.

As of now, Sora's vids max out at one minute, but even with that limitation, the visual quality and accuracy to the prompt is nuts. Thanks to Sora, we can finally start bringing our imaginations to life on screen without any video editing skills required. And get this - we're not talking basic stuff here; these vids will genuinely leave you in awe of how realistic they are.

I've linked an example below that's 100% AI-generated video so you can see this insane technology for yourself:

Prompt: A stylish woman walks down a Tokyo street filled with warm glowing neon and animated city signage. She wears a black leather jacket, a long red dress, and black boots, and carries a black purse. She wears sunglasses and red lipstick. She walks confidently and casually. The street is damp and reflective, creating a mirror effect of the colorful lights. Many pedestrians walk about.


If you want to read more about the technical specifics, OpenAI has an overview on their site:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Sora AI?

  • Sora AI has the potential to elevate your creativity to new heights. It offers an innovative way to transform your ideas into reality.

  • Utilizing Sora AI is remarkably easy. All you need to do is provide a text description, and it will generate a video accordingly.

  • Sora AI can save you a significant amount of time. Instead of creating videos yourself, it can handle this task for you.

  • Sora AI continuously learns and improves. The more you interact with it, the better it will understand your requirements.

  • Sora AI is a cost-effective solution. Rather than hiring a professional video maker, using this AI can help you save money.

  • Currently, Sora AI can only generate videos up to one minute in length. If you require a longer video, it cannot accommodate your needs.

  • Sora AI's performance heavily relies on the quality of the text description provided. If your description lacks clarity, it will struggle to generate a satisfactory video.

  • Sora AI is software that is still in the developmental stages, so technical issues may arise. At times, it might not function properly or generate unexpected errors.

  • Sora AI is highly dependent on internet connectivity; without a fast internet connection, you won't be able to utilize it effectively. Furthermore, your CPU and GPU processing power need to be substantial for video generation.

  • The biggest concern revolves around privacy. With the world already grappling with deepfakes, Sora AI represents a significantly more advanced technology. Without proper safety measures in place, it could have severe adverse consequences.

What impact could Sora AI have on the world?

Imagine you've written a story, and you want others to experience it in video form. With Sora AI, you can provide a description of your story, and it will create a video for you. Sure, it can only do 1-minute vids currently, but those capabilities will expand over time.

Sora AI is an exceptionally powerful AI model with the potential to elevate creativity to new heights. It offers an innovative way to transform ideas into reality. Thus, if you're a creative individual, Sora AI can be an invaluable tool for you. However, regarding its impact on the world, I believe it will revolutionize the content creation and movie industries.

On the flip side, I can't ignore the ethical can of worms this tech opens up around deepfakes, misinformation, privacy & security issues, and so on. Like, we've all seen how regular Photoshop has enabled deception and harassment - this feels like that on turbo mode.

So, while Sora AI is undeniably awesome from a capability standpoint, we as a society need to be smart about regulating it properly. Otherwise, I worry that malicious actors could do some really messed up stuff with a tool this powerful.


Image by standret on Freepik

My two cents? Sora AI is like a double-edged sword made of the coolest, sharpest material you've ever seen. On one edge, it can elevate human creativity and efficiency to wild new heights. But that other edge has the potential to seriously harm people if weaponized recklessly.

The responsible thing is to let the tech keep advancing, but put rigid safeguards and guidelines in place. That way, we can continue unlocking Sora's amazing potential in productive ways while minimizing the dystopian downsides as much as humanly possible.

I trust that you found the information in my article to be valuable. 😊

I would like to invite @patjewell, @josevas217, @dove11, @irawandedy, @weisser-rabe, @soulfuldreamer, @el-nailul and @kouba01 to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 17-Mar-2024 | Achievement 1
 4 months ago 

I am impressed and scared at the same time. I saw 8 videos on the one you have posted.

Incidentally, I saw a news article in a local news site which took me to

The Federal Trade Commission has proposed rules banning the use of artificial intelligence tools for impersonation of individuals. The FTC said Thursday it was proposing a change to a rule that already bans impersonation of businesses or government agencies, which would extend the protections to all individuals.

Maybe we shall see more on this topic.

 4 months ago 

Robots are coming...

 4 months ago 

You have captured my thoughts on this very well: a double-edged sword is very appropriate. I have great admiration for the technical side: there are tiny inconsistencies in the video you linked, but without knowing the origin I would rather consider them to be artistic alienation. Super! What can be done with it - questionable. However, I prefer to concentrate on sensible uses; for example, if I have written a book and want to convince a director to make a film version, I can convey visual impressions that may be decisive arguments.

 4 months ago 

That's such an insightful take!

 4 months ago 

Oh my word! This is insane!

I never thought that AI would come to our house. Well, I was wrong. My husband is currently writing a program for a client who is putting the whole sales side of his business online with the help of AI.
He is doing away with all his sales staff.

I got so upset when I heard about it that I felt like hitting him with the pan, but as he told me, if it is not him writing it, then it will be someone else, as AI is not going to go away.

I am so glad that I am not young anymore.

 4 months ago 

Wow, AI is really stirring the pot, isn't it? Maybe it's time to program the AI to make dinner too, so at least it can contribute to household chores. 😃 On a serious note though, as long as there's a human keeping an eye on AI, it's not that bad.

 4 months ago 

Well, hubby is convinced that he is going to make AI work for him (•ิ‿•ิ)


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