Steemit Engagement Challenge S14W1 - Do You Want to Become Popular?

in Steem4Bloggers8 months ago (edited)

First of all I would like to thank you the @Steem4bloggers to arrange this amazing contest of S14W1.

Hi everyone! welcome to the Steemit Engagement Challenge S14W1 the contest title is: Do You Want to Become Popular?

Do you want to become popular_20231127_211637_0000.png
Edited by canva


Do you want to become popular or not? Justify your answer.
Yes definitely I want to become popular in my professional and social life life also. It's my biggest dream to get popularity, in terms of both publicly and socially. I want to build a building 🏫 where I would open a free learning institute for the poor and needy people. The people which don't afford expenses to educate their children. It is my biggest desire to help the poor and needy people, moreover I want to get enough money to help the needy people of my society . I want to serve the entire humanity by putting smile on their faces.

It's my biggest wish to become a shining star in the heart and mind of my people. Because this world is temporary place and everybody have to die. When I will leave this world people remember me in good words. I want to earn my name in this world and the hereafter.
On the other hand if we talk to get popularity in professional life I am a professor in practical life."As an assistant professor in a college, becoming popular can involve various steps.
Being supportive, encouraging, and available for students' queries can enhance your popularity among them. Collaborating with colleagues, participating in academic discussions, and sharing your expertise can increase your visibility. Building a positive reputation through dedication to teaching and mentorship can also contribute to popularity among peers and students. Remember, authenticity and genuine connections play a crucial role in gaining popularity in academia."

Link edited in canva


What do you think, the way of becoming popular matters or not?
I agree the way someone becomes popular matters a lot. How they achieve popularity shows their values and ethics. Doing it the right way with honesty and hard work builds trust and respect. But using unfair ways might bring attention temporarily, but it can hurt trust and credibility in the long run. So the way someone becomes popular shapes how others see them and affects their reputation.

Being a Muslim let me explain this question in islamic point of view. In Islam, seeking popularity through unethical behavior, especially by exploiting oneself, goes against the teachings of modesty and respect. The religion emphasizes modesty, dignity, and honorable conduct, encouraging individuals, regardless of gender, to uphold ethical values in all aspects of life, including social media. Engaging in behaviors that compromise one's integrity or self-respect for the sake of popularity contradicts Islamic principles.
Islam encourages individuals, especially women, to seek recognition and respect through their character, knowledge, and contributions to society rather than by resorting to unethical or immodest behaviors for public attention.

What do you think, the way of becoming popular matters or not_20231127_214114_0000.png


In your opinion, which qualities make a person popular?

Qualities that ensure popularity in both social, economic, and practical life include a

  • Authenticity: Being genuine and true to oneself attracts people.
  • Kindness: Showing empathy, compassion, and a caring attitude resonates with others.
  • Confidence: Having self-assurance and a positive self-image can draw people in.
  • Good Communication: Being able to listen and articulate thoughts effectively.
  • Talent or Skills: Excelling in a particular field or possessing unique abilities.
  • Humor: Having a good sense of humor can make someone likable.
  • Reliability: Being dependable and trustworthy fosters strong relationships.
  • Open-mindedness: Embracing diverse perspectives and being non-judgmental appeals to many.
  • Leadership: Guiding and motivating others enhances influence and respect.
  • Empathy: Understanding and connecting with others promotes strong relationships.
  • Problem-Solving Abilities: Being able to tackle challenges fosters reliability and confidence.
  • Work Ethic: A strong work ethic leads to success and admiration in professional and personal realms.


The pros and cons of becoming popular.

advantages of popularitydisadvantages of popularity
Increased OpportunitiesPopularity often comes with a loss of privacy as personal life becomes more exposed
make a positive impact on societyto maintain a certain image or meet expectations, leading to stress and anxiety.
increased recognition and respect from peersDifficulty in Trusting Intentions
Popularity can lead to a wider social circlePopular figures often face heightened criticism and negative feedback, which can impact mental health and self-esteem.
Popular individuals may gain access to resources and supportBeing popular might restrict personal freedom


I would like to invite @kouba01 @pelon53 @goodybest @fjjrg @willmer1988 @hamzayousafzai @aliarubab

Thanks for reading my post._20231128_054537_0000.png

 8 months ago 

Asslam o alaikum @tayyaba1997 your passion for making a difference in education and helping others is truly inspiring Wishing you success in achieving your dreams and leaving a positive impact on the world. 🌟📚best wishes for you

Thanks dear for your valuable comment.

 8 months ago 

| want to build a building 🏫 where I would open a free learning institute for the poor and needy people. The people which don't afford expenses to educate their children.

I felt good after reading this thought of yours. If other people also start thinking like you then illiteracy will go away in this country and people will get prosperity in their homes. The country will progress. Your presentation is very good. You have given all the information in your post. Important points have been included. I really enjoyed reading your post. You have all the qualities to be popular. You will definitely be popular one day. Good look with the contest.

Felicidades me gusto mucho tu participación pues posees muchos sueños hermosos, con constancia, dedicación y esmero lograras alcanzar los que te propongas

¡Muchas gracias por tus palabras alentadoras! Seguiré trabajando duro para hacer realidad mis sueños. Con determinación y esfuerzo, espero lograr todo aquello que me proponga. Tus felicitaciones significan mucho para mí. ¡Gracias nuevamente por el apoyo!

 8 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you. Hope you are doing well.

You want to become popular in your social and professional life. It seems you love fame. You said the way of getting fame do matter. I completely agree with you. The pros and cons are very valid and well defined.

Your post is amazing dear. Wish you very best of luck in the contest.

Thank you so much for your valuable feedback on this post.

 8 months ago 

My pleasure friend.


Пусть все мечты сбудутся! Миру нужно больше бесплатных учебных заведений! Кстати, можно также попробовать прийти к онлайн обучению.. в современном мире - это неизбежность! Но с другой стороны - это огромная экономия средств!

Конечно, согласен, что доступ к образованию должен быть более доступным. Онлайн-образование - отличная возможность для этого. Оно не только удобно, но и снижает затраты на обучение. Важно, чтобы все могли получить образование, не зависимо от места жительства или финансового положения.

 8 months ago 

It is every person's desire to be popular.You expressed very good thoughts about being popular. You want to achieve popularity also because you want to earn name for yourself and help other people.Yes, for a person to be popular, it is very important for him to have all the qualities like truth, kindness, confidence, talent, humor and humor. Being popular has many advantages and disadvantages too. If we use our popularity for good works, we will benefit more from it.Best of luck for contest.My all best wishes for you.

Thank you for the encouragement! Striving for popularity isn't just about recognition; it's about using it positively to make a difference. Grateful for your support and best wishes!

 8 months ago 

Most welcome👍

Hey friend, greetings from here, deep down I enjoy reading your post because you've take your time to explain why and how you want to become popular, you want to build a building where you would open a free learning institute for the poor and needy people, your point are clear, good luck friend.

 8 months ago 

Yes my dear every one became popular. I like your these sentence

Yes definitely I want to become popular in my professional and social life life also. It's my biggest dream to get popularity, in terms of both publicly and socially. I want to build a building 🏫 where I would open a free learning institute for the poor and needy people. The people which don't afford expenses to educate their children.
Wish you best of luck

 7 months ago 

Hola amiga

Si quieres ser popular solo tienes que trabajar para poder llegar a ser popular pero nunca te olvides de que la popularidad bien alcanzada o sea con buenas obras con buenas habilidades siempre será una popularidad que dure muchos años más.

Las cualidades que pones en tu publicación que tienen que tener una persona popular están muy bien escritas siempre recuérdalas si quieres ser popular.

Suerte en tu concurso

Hello there

You are absolutely right about the path to popularity being through hard work and positive actions ensuring that genuine popularity built on good deeds and skills lasts for years. Your advice on the qualities needed for popularity is well-stated and valuable. Good luck in the contest! Best regards.

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