Advanced AI Technology vs Peeping Tom - Steemit Engagement: S14W2 ~ Technology News

in Steem4Bloggers8 months ago (edited)

When someone says 'technology,' my brain does the robot dance, and I can picture everything from computers to fancy gadgets to that toy robot of mine with two very penetrative red eyes. It was a hands-down toy; other features were not working. Only those red eyes flickered whenever I tried to turn it on. And sometimes, when it was in a good mood, it would walk that robotic walk of its for a few steps before going into hibernation. It was battery-operated, and I couldn't convince my mom to buy a new one for that old piece of toy.

Thank you Bing AI Image creator for recreating this image from my childhood, almost to perfection

This engagement challenge -SEC-S14/W2 about the technology news of 2023 brought back memories of that robot again. I was searching for news on the internet, but I didn't find anything interesting enough to pen down. It's such a vast area. Coming from a medical background, I can tell you all about the advancements happening in the field of science specially Microbiology (my area of specialization) to discover the genetic code of a bacterium or virus, or how the electron microscopy hit another milestone. But you will be bored to your bones. For example something like this:

Researchers have cracked the cellular code on protein folding, offering hope for new therapeutic avenues for many diseases
Team's approach reveals crucial role played by a specific enzyme in the folding process
December 4, 2023
University of Massachusetts Amherst
While we often think of diseases as caused by foreign bodies -- bacteria or viruses -- there are hundreds of diseases affecting humans that result from errors in cellular production of its proteins. A team of researchers recently leveraged the power of cutting-edge technology, including an innovative technique called glycoproteomics, to unlock the carbohydrate-based code that governs how certain classes of proteins form themselves into the complex shapes necessary to keep us healthy.

I know you scrolled down without reading much

So, I'll veer off the topic a bit, but rest assured it will encapsulate the theme of the subject. More, not less.

A little context as always

So, the other day, I was walking on the 800m track with a friend. I had planned to do 5 rounds, making it a rather long and boring walk. To pass the time, we started discussing a topic that satiates both our needs in our native language, Urdu. In our culture, talking about in-laws can easily fill 3-4 hours. We explored the idea that the farther we live from our in-laws, the more respectful we tend to be towards each other. The same perception applies to children living abroad—they are often seen as the well-behaved ones. On the contrary, those living with their parents are constantly under judgmental scrutiny. Despite the initial plan of 5 rounds, our conversation was so engaging that I ended up completing 6. Such is the power of these healthy debates.

Talking about scrutiny, I'd like to mention our vigilant watchers here for some reason. Please be considerate to new users who may have made a small mistake in the process of navigating the platform. Remember your first day at school? We've all been there, right? 😉 I appreciate your hard work and dedication to this platform, though. You're adept at distinguishing between deliberate mistakes and honest slip-ups.

Apologies for a little detour. Coming back to the topic, the main crux of our whole conversation was that the farther children live from their parents or in-laws, the more cordial the relations. All in all, it was a good debate while holding our smartphones in our hands, which were connected to the internet all the while. We bid our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

I'm sitting in my corridor, taking off my shoes, while scrolling my social media feed. And the first video it showed me was of an influencer Sadguru, who was saying these exact words:
Children who live away always love you...

I mean, I had goosebumps all over. How did this peeping Tom listen to our entire conversation, and how did it come up with such relevant video???? How on earth, how? It's the summary of our conversation in one line!

This debate has been going on for some time: Does social media keep track of your search history and show you relevant advertisements? I have experienced this several times. But narrowing down the search so meticulously and pinpointedly! You may say it's just a mere coincidence, but I believe it deep down in my bones that it isn't. And why am I so adamant? I will tell you why. Because I instantly shared the link of that feed with that friend of mine, and she told me something similar.

So, for me, the latest news of technology—or, let me rephrase it—the development of technology in terms of AI, is by far the most interesting one. Now, the implications, effects, adverse or otherwise... That's a topic for another debate.

Right now, I am enjoying the link Bing AI image creator shared by a good friend here on Steemit. However, the prying eyes of AI don't sit quite well with me.

For this picture, I provided description, something like: AI as peeping Tom peeping into my conversation. And I was instantly warned of violation user's agreement. AI was not happy with me at all. So I swapped 'AI' with 'mobile'. It kindly generated the required image

The topic is open for discussion now in the form of comments. I'm so looking forward to your replies please.

On a side note: This technology has had me in tears since last night. First, out of the blue, the keyboard of my laptop froze and didn't budge after several tries of rebooting it, cleaning it, putting it on a metal tray to counteract any overheating - no, it said no. And I lost all the progress on my article.

I wrote this whole post on my mobile again in the morning. And just when I did the last update on this platform, all of my work was lost. The blog was empty.
So, all the curators from SC01 to nth, you should consider giving me extra points for this post. It's 3× worth the effort


I know you scrolled down without reading much

Very tricky... 😂
Guess who read it all, of course! But it definitely wasn't boring... 😉

I never had a toy like your robot. When I was little, the first electronic toys were just coming out. But they were prohibitively expensive. I preferred to cut the hair off Barbie dolls... I got into trouble because they were also very expensive, but the anger quickly disappeared when they realised that I was actually playing with rather robustly styled dolls.

There are some areas where we do without technology. For example, we don't have a coffee machine, we brew our coffee by hand. Oh, there are so many things where we are labelled as "out". But that's not true. We simply think more about sustainability. Battery-powered items only come into the house if they have a rechargeable battery - everything else is thoughtless waste production.

Oh, I too seem to be getting off topic... 😉

I haven't been able to do without the mobile phone for a few years now. Everything has its pros and cons. However, I've got into the habit of switching off the device when I'm in "real social contact". Completely off (flight mode is not enough). Well, I've already heard that the chips can still listen. Then it's just for the good feeling... 🫣

Guess who read it all, of course

I was talking about 'us', the ordinary lot. A linguistic like you has to read it of course. That's why, I didn't forget to source the news properly 😂

I was missing you already.
Thank you for stopping by... And for your such thorough comments.

I never had a toy like your robot

It was a hands- down toy, as I have mentioned in my post. I still remember, it was given to us by my mother's aunt. My parents couldn't afford such luxurious toys back then. My father was a military doctor and specialising/grading and serving simultaneously. And we were 4 siblings by the time he was ranked major. He gave us very good life, but it was not a very luxurious one. He was and still a very hardworking man.

For example, we don't have a coffee machine, we brew our coffee by hand.

Wow, I can finally relate to someone outside my country. We don't have coffee or tea brewing machines here either, at least not at the domestic level. Economics plays a vital role in this matter...

However, I've got into the habit of switching off the device when I'm in "real social contact". Completely off (flight mode is not enough).

This is really admirable, maybe one day I might be able to do this. It's truly liberating!

I was talking about 'us', the ordinary lot.

Hey, I've been dealing with "inclusion" for over 20 years, I've worked my arse off for it. Don't throw it all away now... ;-D

I was missing you already.

I was always present...
Submit to me the perfect schedule of how I can make all those whose posts I read happy with meaningful (!) comments and I will implement it... ;-)

We don't have coffee or tea brewing machines here either

It feels like everyone here now has one of these ultra-modern machines that serves you at least 10 types of coffee. The kind of thing you used to only know from very good cafés. Strange development.

It's truly liberating!

Above all communicative. You can maintain eye contact during a conversation and don't have to keep looking at the device. Meanwhile, my brain gets very confused if I don't focus. A few years ago, I was much better at multitasking and laughed or rolled my eyes at my much older husband... ;-)

I was always present...
Submit to me the perfect schedule of how I can make all those whose posts I read happy with meaningful (!) comments and I will implement it... ;-)

I know. I have been reading your posts in the form of comments. But one can always be more greedy 😉😉😉


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Curated by : @o1eh


Congratulations! This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @o1eh


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.


Curated by : <@damithudaya>
 8 months ago 

The alignment of your in-depth conversation with a coincidentally relevant video raises intriguing questions about AI's awareness. The caution from the image creator adds an ironic touch. Kudos for overcoming tech hurdles, your post undeniably deserves recognition!
Best of luck for the engagement.

Thank you so much for your summarised comments.
Really appreciate your input!

your post undeniably deserves recognition!

It did get the recognition in form of comments from so many of you :)

What a trip down memory lane! Your mix of childhood memories with deep thoughts on technology was fascinating! I loved how you connected discussions about distances and relationships to Sadguru. Sorry about your tech struggles, but the post turned out great. Can't wait to see how the community reacts to this thought-provoking debate! 🤖✨

Thank you for stopping by.
I'm so happy that you could relate with my experiences. You seem to have understood my post really well. Thank you for the appreciation really.

 8 months ago 

Hola amiga
la tecnología este año se ha superado en todos los aspectos y creo que empezaremos una nueva era.
estoy seguro que el próximo año se vendrán cosas buenas
suerte en el concurso.

These tech companies definitely sell our conversations to advertising companies.

No matter, how good the intentions are, there are always malicious ears around.

Therefore, it will always remain a creepy fact, regardless of how innocently it is stated.

I can't find the source now but I read that even if the devices are turned off, we are still being watched/tracked.

The future is dark. 😟

The walls, too, have ears

This expression can't be used more precisely than to describe the prying nature of tech. Now, not only do these walls have ears, but they also possess advanced and heightened senses. They are embedded in our lives like anything!

This appeared on my Facebook just now. 😁

It's hilarious btw

 8 months ago 


Ha sido realmente interesante leer tu artículo le has dado un giro a la publicación y la has hecho muy Original, haciendo de tu vid, recuerdos y cotidianidad parte de la misma.

La tecnología es fascinante y nos deja abierta la posibilidad del debate Porque todos pensamos de manera diferente con respecto a ella es cierto que puede ayudarnos a mejorar nuestra calidad de vida a divertirnos a hacernos más placenteros los días sin embargo si se usa de manera incorrecta esto nos podría estar afectando como seres humanos por eso es que hay que tener mucha precaución y uso responsable de la tecnología.

Lamento muchísimo que hayas tenido que trabajar tanto para realizar tu artículo pero te felicito por no darte por vencida y presentar este extraordinario trabajo que espero sea muy bien recompensado.

Te deseo buena suerte y éxitos con tu participación.

Thank you so much for stopping by!

You have given a twist to the publication and made it very Original, making your life, memories and everyday life part of it.

I'm so glad you found it interesting. I think, without the personal touch it just becomes a boring essay. But, then again, some people write very good essays without being very subjective. To each, their own.

Thank you really for reading my post with such interest and for such warm wishes.


Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator08.


Curated by : <@damithudaya>

Thank you @damithudaya
For the resteem and upvote.
I do hope you liked my post :)

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World of Xpilar Community Curation Trail


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I had been doing this all along—saving and updating!

It was kinda stuck, when I tried to upload the post. And poof everything was gone 😪

Strange. As the draft data is stored in the blockchain, it should not actually be lost. But what the heck - I don't know much about the technology. If in doubt, it's better to prepare your posts offline in a word processing programme. C & P always works... ;-)

Thank you so much for your concern.

As the draft data is stored in the blockchain, it should not actually be lost.

Yes, it does store.
Maybe I am not clear enough to point out the issue. As I was doing some last edits, it kind of stuck. And then when I updated it again... Everything was lost. I don't know maybe something I did. But sometimes it happens when I'm trying to edit, even before posting the blog.
I even noted down the time of this glitch and was wondering if it happened to anyone else too. Lol

  • I don't know much about the technology.

As if I know heaps 🙈

Definitely going with the C &,P option in the future. It was a lesson learnt

 8 months ago 

Technology is for the betterment of mankind. We can use it for our benefits. It makes our life easy and smooth. I think we should always be happy with the advancement of technology.

I wish you very best of luck in the contest here.

 8 months ago 

My pleasure 🥰.

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