
I had been doing this all along—saving and updating!

It was kinda stuck, when I tried to upload the post. And poof everything was gone 😪

Strange. As the draft data is stored in the blockchain, it should not actually be lost. But what the heck - I don't know much about the technology. If in doubt, it's better to prepare your posts offline in a word processing programme. C & P always works... ;-)

Thank you so much for your concern.

As the draft data is stored in the blockchain, it should not actually be lost.

Yes, it does store.
Maybe I am not clear enough to point out the issue. As I was doing some last edits, it kind of stuck. And then when I updated it again... Everything was lost. I don't know maybe something I did. But sometimes it happens when I'm trying to edit, even before posting the blog.
I even noted down the time of this glitch and was wondering if it happened to anyone else too. Lol

  • I don't know much about the technology.

As if I know heaps 🙈

Definitely going with the C &,P option in the future. It was a lesson learnt

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