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RE: Contest - "How AI is Changing Our Life"

in Steem4Bloggers9 months ago

People will lose their jobs in the future, according to me, as a result of AI tools. Photographers make a lot of money from their photography skills, while others make money by publishing articles in newspapers, journals, and so on. However, because of these AI tools, people around the world are able to meet their needs.

 9 months ago 

While it’s undeniable that AI tools are transforming our work methods, it doesn’t necessarily imply that they will result in job losses. On the contrary, these tools could potentially lead to job transformations and even create new jobs in ways we can’t fully predict at this moment. The key lies in how we adapt and utilize these tools. 🙂

 9 months ago 

I totally agree with you, AI is created by man in his own interest and he will never let it outclass him, so there...

 9 months ago 

We can't predict of that, but let's wait and see.

 9 months ago 

People will lose their jobs in the future

This is exactly how I feel about AI.

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