Steemit Engagement Challenge| S14W3|Parent's Strict Behavior and Children's Mental Health

in Steem4Bloggers7 months ago

Greetings, Steemians,

I am here to take part in the Steemit Engagement Challenge S14W3 within the Steem4Bloggers community. The challenge revolves around sharing insights and feedback on the topic of Parent's Strict Behavior and its effects on Children's Mental Health. Today, I will delve into a comprehensive discussion about how a parent's strict behavior can influence a child, participating in this competition.

Blue Green and Peach Modern Parenting Presentation.png

What are the advantages and disadvantages of strict parental behavior?

The strict behavior I adopt as a parent, when balanced and applied appropriately, can provide several benefits for the development of my children.

First of all, it creates a clear structure within the family. The clear rules I establish help my children understand my expectations and boundaries, creating a predictable and safe environment. This structure helps establish a sense of stability and routine, elements that are often beneficial to their emotional well-being.

Additionally, my strict behavior promotes compliance with social norms. I emphasize values such as respect, politeness and responsibility, thus providing my children with solid benchmarks to interact with others and integrate harmoniously into society. These values play a crucial role in shaping the character of my children, preparing them to face the challenges of adult life.

Another notable benefit is the promotion of academic success. By emphasizing the importance of education and setting high expectations, I motivate my children to focus on their studies. I often encourage personal discipline, organization, and hard work, which results in better academic performance.

However, I am aware that this type of behavior can have downsides. My children can sometimes react with rebellion, feeling frustrated or oppressed by the rules imposed. Additionally, a rigid environment can cause anxiety and stress, impacting my children's emotional and mental well-being.

Another downside I consider is the risk of creating strained family relationships, especially if my periods are perceived as unfair or excessive. I also understand that my strict behavior may hinder my children's development of autonomy, habituating them to strictly following my directives rather than making independent decisions.

In summary, although my strict behavior as a parent may offer some benefits, I am aware of the importance of finding a balance. A balanced educational environment, combining structure and freedom appropriately, promotes healthy emotional and social development in my children. I also take into account the individual needs of each child to ensure an educational approach adapted to their personality and growth.

How would you feel if you were in the shoes of these children who have to face rigor?

Putting myself in the place of these children who had to face the cruelty of their parents evokes painful memories and a complex range of emotions in me. I have experienced similar situations, where I had to face the cruelty of my own parents. At the time, these experiences plunged me into a mixture of feelings, where injustice and the feeling of being hated predominated.

When confronted with this cruelty, I often felt helpless, desperate to understand why my parents acted in this way. The incomprehension and pain were everywhere, creating a feeling of loneliness and emotional distress. On a deeper level, it created doubt about my own value and my place in the family.

At that time, it was difficult for me to discern the reasons behind these cruel acts. My young mind did not have the capacity to grasp the complexity of family relationships and the factors that could lead to such behaviors. I was faced with a wall of incomprehension, without having the necessary tools to analyze the situation.

However, looking back and growing up, I began to understand the reason for this cruelty. Often it was linked to external factors such as stress, social pressures, or even past experiences of my parents. The cruelty was not necessarily a manifestation of their true feeling towards me, but rather a reaction to difficult circumstances.

This understanding brought some relief, but it did not completely erase the emotional scars left by these experiences. Putting myself in the shoes of these children who have experienced parental cruelty sparks deep empathy, because I know what it is like to feel this pain and confusion. It also reinforces my belief in the importance of open communication and emotional support within families to prevent such suffering from continuing.

As a child, what do you expect from your parents regarding their behavior?

As a child, my expectations of my parents regarding their behavior were tinged with a fundamental need for understanding, balance, and recognition of my exploratory and curious nature.

First of all, I would hope that my parents behave in a balanced way. This means they understand the need to establish boundaries and rules to ensure my safety and well-being, while still allowing me enough freedom to explore and learn on my own. A balance between guidance and freedom would allow me to develop a sense of responsibility while nourishing my natural curiosity.

Second, I would like my parents to appreciate my perspective as a child. I would like them to understand that I am discovering the world and that my questions, my mistakes and my experiments are an integral part of this process. Rather than reacting with impatience or frustration, I would like them to take the time to explain things to me, to respond to my questions with kindness and to recognize the validity of my emotions.

Open communication would also be essential. I would like to feel comfortable sharing my concerns, successes, and failures with my parents, knowing that they will listen attentively and support me emotionally. An atmosphere of trust would promote the development of a solid relationship and reinforce my feeling of emotional security.

Finally, I wish my parents were positive role models. Their behavior would directly influence my understanding of relationships, responsibility and morality. I would hope that they demonstrate values such as respect, kindness and resilience, thereby creating an environment conducive to my own moral and social development.

What are the negative effects of emotional blackmail?

Having not personally experienced a situation of emotional blackmail, I can nevertheless discuss the negative effects that this practice can have in the family context between parents and children.

Emotional blackmail can create a climate of tension and insecurity within the family. When parents use their children's emotions to influence their behavior, it can create constant pressure and lead to feelings of anxiety and stress in young ones.

One of the most detrimental effects is the deterioration of trust within the family. Children susceptible to emotional blackmail may develop distrust of their parents' motives, making it difficult to establish relationships based on mutual trust.

In terms of emotional development, children exposed to blackmail may internalize the idea that their parents' love depends on their behavior. This can negatively influence their self-esteem and their ability to freely express their needs and emotions.

Emotional blackmail can also create power imbalances in family dynamics. Children may feel obligated to meet their parents' expectations to avoid conflict, even at the expense of their own needs and aspirations. This can hinder the development of essential skills such as independent decision-making.

Reflecting on these aspects, it is important to note that promoting healthy family relationships requires an educational approach based on open communication, respect for children's emotional needs and unconditional love, even in cases of disagreement or difficult behaviors.


Thank you very much for reading, it's time to invite my friends @waterjoe, @pelon53, @mile16 to participate in this contest.

Best Regards,

 7 months ago 


Muchas gracias por la invitación amigo mío a este fabuloso desafío, se sigue la línea de la familia, el comportamiento de los padres es muy influyente en lo que puede resultar de un niño en el futuro.

Es cierto que cuando los padre son muy estrictos o no tienen un buen equilibrio en ello para educar y disciplinar a los hijos éstos solo obedeceran por miedo y no porque esten conscientes de la realidad y de lo que se les está enseñando en el momento.

Cómo padres tenemos una gran tarea que realizar, espero que usted cómo yo podamos llevar a dicha responsabilidad muy bien con la vida de Dios .

Saludos éxitos y bendiciones para ti amigo @kouba01

 7 months ago 

¡Hola! Totalmente de acuerdo, la influencia de los padres es crucial. Educar con equilibrio y amor es clave para que los niños comprendan y crezcan conscientes. ¡Éxito y bendiciones en esta importante tarea como padres!

 7 months ago 

Hola amigo
es muy importante que los mas pequeños sigan el buen camino, sin embargo tampoco hay que ser tan estrictos pues podría afectarle a sus relaciones sociales o creándoles dificultades.
en mi familia cuando una prima desobedecía a mi tía, mi prima se iba a escondidas por que mi tía era muy estricta, el ser estrictos puede causar que escondan cosas o no contarle sus problemas a sus padres y pueden sentirse reprimidos.
suerte en el concurso, es un tema muy bonito por abordar.

 7 months ago 

¡Hola! Completamente de acuerdo, encontrar un equilibrio es esencial. Ser muy estricto puede afectar las relaciones sociales y la comunicación. La confianza y el diálogo son clave. ¡Gracias por tu perspectiva y suerte en el concurso!

 7 months ago 

Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are having good time there.

You are of the view that strictness from parents is much, because it helps them in their life through out. It teaches them social norms, discipline, politeness and things like that.

You yourself is a father and you are little strict to your kids. You have your own rules in the family, which must be followed.

You have shared a very saddening point about your life that your parents were too much cruel to you. Even that trauma and scars you can't forget now. You think it was just because of the social circumstances, but still it's hard for you to forget it. I feel too much sympathy with such children too.

I wish you very best of luck in the contest, keep blessing.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for your kind greetings. I believe in maintaining a balance in parenting, incorporating discipline while fostering a supportive environment. Drawing from personal experience, I understand the impact of extreme strictness, and I strive to create a more nurturing atmosphere for my own children. I appreciate your sympathy and well-wishes for the contest. Best of luck to you as well!

 7 months ago 

My pleasure friend 🥰

 7 months ago 

Because parents are the first teachers of their children, they should instill good values in them first. So it is preferable to be strict to some extent in order to guide them to the correct path.
Good luck with the contest.

 7 months ago 

Absolutely! Parents play a crucial role as the first teachers, guiding their children toward good values and the right path. Striking a balance and being firm to some extent can contribute positively to their upbringing.

 7 months ago 


 7 months ago 

Hello friend . How are you ? Hope you are doing well and good.

Your picture with your kid is beautiful. A loving father .

In terms of emotional development, children exposed to blackmail may internalize the idea that their parents' love depends on their behavior. This can negatively influence their self-esteem and their ability to freely express their needs and emotions.

I soo sooo agree with this . Kids loose trust both in them and in parents .

Wish you good 👍 ... may you always achieve whatever you aim for in your journey ✨.
Greetings from me 🌼
Have a beautiful day 💛

 7 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words and greetings. I completely agree that emotional development is crucial, and using blackmail can indeed harm a child's trust and self-esteem. Your wishes are much appreciated!

 7 months ago 

Dear Sir, I am impressed to read your beautiful writing. You emphasize hard work and education in your children. Children become depressed because of their harsh behavior. When the children grow up, it has a negative effect. So children need to be loved and encouraged like you. Best wishes to you and your children.

 7 months ago 

Thank you for your kind words. I strongly believe in the importance of fostering a loving and encouraging environment for children. Hard work and education are valuable, but they should be accompanied by love and support. I appreciate your well wishes.

 7 months ago 

Cuando los padres son estrictos pero usan su poder como padre de manera adecuada pueden lograr que sus hijos lleguen a ser adultos responsables sin embargo si abusan de su poder como padres y imponen reglas y reglas que los hijos tienen que cumplir sin dejarlos que o ellos opinen pueden hacer que sus hijos desarrolle cierto temor hacia ellos un miedo Y eso sería una gran desventaja

 7 months ago 

Pienso como tú. Un padre debe encontrar un punto medio para friar a sus hijos, no deben de ser ni muy estrictos ni muy liberales, porque un niño necesita carácter pero también libertad, lamentablemente hay muchos padres hoy en día que no entienden eso y son extremadamente estrictos con sus hijos porque piensan que es lo mejor para ellos, quieren que sus hijos sean perfectos cuando eso es imposible, y cuando se dan cuenta del daño que hacen es demasiado tarde. Éxitos en el concurso.

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