Steemit Engagement Challenge S7W4 | A Meeting with The President

in Steem4Bloggerslast year


Hello to everyone in this wonderful and productive community. It is actually a beginning of a new week and also another week for the engagement challenge that is being put out here. The engagement challenge is actually a very good and educative one. It really interest me more to be able to participate and also share or contribute my ideas and knowledge on various topics. This weeks topic, which is to talk or discuss our suggestions to our presidents if in case we get that opportunity or chance.

As a citizen of a country, it is your dream and hope that you get to see your country progress. That’s economically and financially. Also every citizen wants to see his or her country develop so as to attract investors into the country. But here is the case that there is the government, the president him self and other government officials that see to it that all those things come through or happen. If this people don’t do what is expected of them to do, then what one dreams of won’t come through. The president every country is the one who is expected to do more by his citizens. This is because when he fails to do so, that particular political isn’t blamed more but rather the president.

The president might be doing something, it could be a developmental project or something else for his people or for his own sake. Whereas the citizens in the country feels that what he is doing is absolutely wrong. So they intend to ask him to stop it. But here is the case that he doesn’t want to listen to them. Which is very bad. So in the case of this contest, if in case I get to sit with him one on one below are some of the suggestions i would put out for him based on what is currently happening in the country.

  • Here in Ghana, there is a rise in the act of illegal mining as at now. Which is really harming and affecting we the people in the country. But the truth be y, most of these politicians also happens to be taking part in such activities. So it kind of makes it difficult to put a stop to the illegal mining activities.
    Not just the politicians alone, some of the citizens and the traditional chiefs in the various communities also take part in the illegal mining activities. So, what I will like to suggest on how to stop these activities is that, the citizens of the various communities that these illegal activities go on should be educated more about it.

    Even though they do see some of the harm these activities is causing to them. Some of which are their water bodies are being polluted by the chemicals used in the activities. After they have been educated about it, the government should appoint some of the citizens in those various communities as task force who will stop any illegal activities going on in their communities. By doing so those activities will minimize.

  • I will also like to suggest to the president to try and create jobs for the citizens in the country. When i talk about jobs here, I don’t mean some white collar job but rather industrial and agricultural jobs. This is because there are very fewer white collar jobs in the country and almost every single person who is being educated wants that kind of job. But if one looks at the number of people who are looking for such jobs, it is impossible. Which has rendered many to be jobless in the country as at now. So if in case those kind of jobs were made available, there wouldn’t be any choice for the jobless to just sit back and say there is no job. But here is the case that those jobs are not available. So i will suggest that he moves his his attention there too.


  • Lastly, i will like for the president to move much of his attention too to the field of sports. This is one of the field as of today that almost every single country is trying to build on. The field of sports today is booming with so much money. So i would like for the president to set up football academies or camps around the country. That is very region in the country. So as to produce many sports personal that can be made to play in other countries and in return they generate funds for the country. Here is the case that mostly individual organizations are left to be doing that.

In conclusion, i will like to say that the president should be the one who thinks about the future of the country, that is he need to be the kind who is willing to fight to keep our natural resources. Also he should try his possibly best to make every citizen a productive one by introducing jobs and also bringing in foreigners to teach his people new skills that will help the country to grow. The president should try and utilize talent or gifted citizens by making them realize theirs capabilities through activities organized through out the nation which is solely meant to fish out such young talents

I invite @five5,@mewow and @asaregabi to participate in this contest

 last year 

We greatly appreciate your recommendations to reduce illegal mining, provide employment for young people, and enhance sports in the country. The development of the nation depends on the younger generation. The ability of the younger generation to promote the country must therefore be strengthened. I hope you do well in the contest. Good luck with the contest.

 last year 

Thanks bro

 last year 

You are most welcome.

I wish you the best in the contest. Steem on!

 last year 

Hello dear @habdallah

Thanks for participation in the engagement challenge you have mentioned very important issues related the country and give your precious opinions to the president.

I will also like to suggest to the president to try and create jobs for the citizens in the country.

Yes I totally agree with you because jobs are very necessary for any young generation in the country and give opportunity to progress the country and last you mentioned about sposrts it's really great idea.

I will be happy if you will visit my post and engage on it.



 last year 

Thank you for reading my article

 last year 

This is the writing of a citizen who wants a true change in his county. Weldon and best of luck.

 last year 


 last year 

You are welcome.

 last year 


 last year 

Hello dear you have written a very nice post i enjoyed reading it. The you suggests that the president should prioritize the progress of the country and take steps to reduce illegal mining activities, create jobs and focus on sports to generate funds.

The also emphasizes the importance of educating citizens and utilizing the talent of gifted citizens for the growth of the country. Thank you for participating in the contest and gud luck.

 last year 

Yes those are exactly what i would have like to suggest to the president

 last year 

Friend you write very well.Please use more markdowns to add beauty in your article

 last year 

El criterio que tienes sobre cuales deberían ser las competencias del presidente es muy importante, de allí nace un país democrático y de libertades . Felicitaciones 🎉

 last year 

Hola amigo al parecer todos los presidentes son iguales prometen muchas cosas antes de llegar al poder y luego se olvidan de las personas que los eligieron, la minería ilegal es un gran problema que causa mucha contaminación a los ríos, en cuanto a el deporte a pesar de que tu país es muy pequeño a logrado participar en campeonatos mundiales de fútbol, algo que no se ha podido lograr a ca en venezuela por causa de la corrupción del mismo gobierno que no apoya al deporte

 last year 

Great post, @habdallah! I agree with your suggestions on what the president can do to improve the country's situation.

Firstly, addressing the issue of illegal mining is critical. The education of citizens on its negative impact and the appointment of community task forces can help to curb the illegal activities.

Secondly, creating job opportunities, especially in the industrial and agricultural sectors, can help to reduce the number of unemployed citizens. This will not only boost the economy but also improve the standard of living of the people.

Thirdly, investing in sports is a good idea. Setting up football academies across the country can help to identify and nurture talented individuals. This can also help to generate funds for the country and promote its image on the global stage.

Lastly, the president should focus on realizing the potential of the citizens. Encouraging and organizing activities that help to identify young talents and putting in place programs that help to hone their skills can lead to a more productive and thriving country. best of luck in the contest.

Regards, @fabiha

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