"Steemit Engagement Challenge | S4W3 | All About Steemit Blogging Communities". By @enamul17.

in Steem4Bloggers2 years ago

I am @enamul17.
From #Bangladesh.

Hello my dear stemains friend. How are you all? Hope you all are doing well. I am also well & happy by the grace of Almighty Allah. Steemit Engagement Challenge S4W3 has been started from today. So today I am participating in the challenge which is provide by 'Steem4Bloggers Community. At first I would like to thanks #steem4bloggers community for arranging such an execlent chellange for us. The challenge they have given is"All About Steemit Blogging Communities." I am very glad to participate in this challenge. I hope you all will enjoys my entry.


Which is your favourite community. Give a brief introduction of that community.

It will be very difficult for me to say which community is my favorite community. Because all communities are dear to me. I share posts regularly in all communities. I post regularly in 5 or more communities. If I had to choose one community among them, I would choose Steemit Culture Community as my favorite community.



Yes, this is my favorite community. The first reason is that I have recently been assigned as a moderator of this community.Respected admin @suboohi recently assigned me the role of moderator. I am eternally grateful to him.I wanted to be in a community where I could share my passions. And I found it here. I invite everyone to join this community & share your beautiful content with us.

Steemit Culture ia a community, where all people can share Social Organizations, Languages, Customs and Traditions, Arts and Literature and noticeable more quality content.No plagiarized content is allowed here. If any content is found to be plagiarized then efforts are made to guide them so that they can create original content.

What are the reasons behind the selection of your favorite community.

I already mentioned above why this community is my favorite. I am a small artist. I love to make different kinds of crafts & draw pictures. And I was looking for a community that would help me promote my work. And this is the community.After joining Steemi platfrom I wanted to reach a good level and establish myself.Also I wanted to be a moderator of a community where art related & other good content is shared. And I found those things in this community.

Which type of content is accepted in the community and for how much time you are working there?

I have already mentioned above which topics are shared here. Here are Art, Poetry, Craft, Diary Games, Photography & more. All types of good quality content can be shared here.

As I am a moderator of this community. So I always have to be active here. When I login to Steemit, first of all I come here first to check new posts & comment, upvote their posts & try to give them instructions.So to catch up I spend most of my steemit time here.

Which type of content do you like to share on the platform.

I can share many types of content here but have already mentioned above that I am an artist. I do various art related posts here. Also I share photography post & my diary games here too.

Do you think, there could be some improvement in that community? (Changes you would like if you will be the MOD of that community)

As I am the moderator of this community, I think there is no need to change for the betterment of the community. As this community is newly started. Now only new active users are needed in this community & we are organizing regular contests to fill it. Some time ago a beautiful competition was held.We are going to organize another new competition very soon. All of you are invited to participate in the competition.

Which type of content you are still missing on the Steemit platform (could be health, medical, gaming, or any other).


To be honest what I think is health related content. Why? The reason everything is good when you are healthy. And if the health is not good, no money is of any use. People all over the world are constantly suffering from various diseases. Which is constantly increasing. Which we need to control. I will choose this platform to guide people in this matter. Every person in this place takes everyone's post seriously. All the doctors here regularly share our health related content. Then everyone will see it & we will be aware & alert. So I request the doctors to post regularly about health. Hope we all benefit from you. So I miss this content mostly in this platfrom.

Thanks everyone for visiting my post. It’s a very exciting challenge for me. For this contest I am inviting my friends @sailawana , @faran-nabeel, @simonnwigwe & @nishadi89.

25% to @null

DeviceHuawei Nova 3i
LocationBangladesh, Khulna

Best Regards



Stay Safe, Stay Happy

💞Have a nice day.💞

 2 years ago 

Holaaa, pues fíjate que no conocía acerca de esta comunidad pero es lo gratificante de leer y aprender de los demás, desconocemos muchas de ellas y me alegra lo compartas. Saludos

 2 years ago 

Yes, There are many communities that we even here the name. I hope this time we know some beautiful communities. You are invited to our community.

 2 years ago 

Qué buena comunidad elegiste espero que esa comunidad siga así como va. Saludos

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much sir.😍🥰

 2 years ago 

Hey @enamul17 you have written about my favorite community, if you ask why mine favorite? I want to tell you that firstly im motivated by @vvarishayy and secondly i like the community content idea based on culture, i always love to post my artwork there and the community always appreciated me.

You said right that community needs active members, I'm wishing for its good future and In Sha Allah it will grow soon.

 2 years ago 

In Sha Allah hope so. Hope you will stay with us. Thank you so much for your valuable comment. 🥰😍

 2 years ago 

Hola amigo.

Desconocía de esta comunidad, creo que me daré una visita por ella, por lo que describes podemos compartir manualidades, a mi me encantan las manualidades y los dibujos es lo que mayormente comparto en mis post. Me encanto leerte y conocer un poco de esta comunidad por medio de tu post.

Mucha suerte en el concurso.

 2 years ago 

Yeah dear, I hope you join & share your skills with us.🥰

 2 years ago 

Felicidades amigo me alegra que tú entusiasmo y buen contenido rinda sus frutos y ahora seas Moderador de una comunidad donde apoyen tu talento así como también apoyar a otros usuarios.

Te deseo muchos éxitos y suerte 🤗

 2 years ago 

Siempre es bueno tener una comunidad favorita donde uno se sienta en casa, es una necesidad de apego y de empatía.
gracias por compartirnos tus preferencias.


 2 years ago 

Thank you so much for your valuable comment & you are invited to our community. Hope you will join & share your article with us.

 2 years ago 

Your publication its very well brother, you write with detail and sharing information about steemit blogging community, especially your favorite community. Best of luck for you

 2 years ago 

Thank you so much dear. I hope you also join in the contest. 😍

 2 years ago 

Surely..I will.take my part too

 2 years ago 

Hello my friend greetings. Happy to be reading from your entry and also.

I have learn..about steemit culture community..which I was unaware .

Thanks for sharing your opinion and I will definitely visit you community for sure.

Pls kindly link me here

 2 years ago 

You are welcome. 🥰 Thank you so much brother for your beautiful comment.

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