Steemit Engagement Challenge | S14W3 | Parent's Strict Behavior and Children's Mental Health".

in Steem4Bloggers7 months ago (edited)

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There is a growing body of evidence that suggest that strict parenting can have negative effect on a child's mental health.This is particularly true when parents are overly controlling, rigid,or emotionally cold. Children who experience these types of parenting styles are more likely to develop anxiety, depression and other mental health problems.

In addition, strict parenting had been linked to lower self-esteem and more negative peer relationships. While some level of structure and discipline is important for children,it's important to strike a balance between setting boundaries and being loving and supportive.

Now follow through as l use the guidelines questions and explain my opinion about this contests,but before we processed l would love to invite @eliany,@mamuelhook,@ridwant and @kesybliss to share thier experience this topic entitle: parent-s-strict-behavior-and-children-s-mental-health

What are the advantages and disadvantages of parents strict behaviour?


👉 There are a few advantages to having strict parents. First,strict parents tend to set clear boundaries and expectations for their children, which can help to create a sense of security and predictability.

👉 Second, strict parents are often more likely to enforce rules and consequences, which can help to teach children responsibility and self-discipline.

👉 Third, strict parents often have high standards for thier children, which can motivate them to work hard and achieve their goals,be it academically and other wise.

👉 Children for strict patient learn to respect authority figures, learn to set and achieve goals, children learn to follow rules and regulations, take responsibility for their actions and quickly learn to be independent and self-sufficient.

👉 Lastly, strict parents often have a strong relationship with their,built mutual respect and trust.The children from this family tends to behave well and become responsible citizen in our society.


In life everything that has advantage also come up with it own disadvantage as such it Best lf we use a balance view of being strict to our children.

Children from strict parents may easily rebel or become resentful, l have a cousin who is resentful because of his father's strictness,l can still recall when she refuse to say anything to the father, all she had for the man was Good morning sir🤣 that was all for good two months.

When children are raised in strict Households, they may feel that their parent's love are conditional upon their good behavior or thier academic or athletic achievement. This is always leads to children feeling like they are only loved or accepted,if they live up to their parent's high standards.This can be demaging to a child's self-esteem and can create feelings of insecurity and a lack of self-worth.

In some cases, children from strict Households may also develop a need to please thier parents at all costs, even if it means sacrificing their own can easily lead to depression and anxiety.

Another disadvantage is that children may not developed healthy relationship with their parents,may always feel stifled and unable to express themselves,even to talk about his or her life challenge to such parents.

Lastly, Children who are raised with strict parents are more likely to engage in risky behavior as teenagers and young adults.

What do you feel if you were at the place of such childrens who have to face strictness?

Image from freepik

If l were a child in a similar situation,l might feel like l was not being allowed to be myself.o might feel like l had to change who l was to please my parents,and this could easily lead to feelings of resentment and isolation.l might feel like l could not be honest with my parents about my feelings or my interests, for fear of disappointing them being punished.l might also feel like l was constantly walking on eggshells never knowing would set my parents off or lead to strict punishment. Overall,l think l would also feel stressed, confused and unsure of myself in such a situation.

I also feel pity for such Children, feeling like I fit my leg in their shoe, but instead of parents been so strict, they should seek direction on God words on how to take care of children.

As a child, what do you expect from your parents regarding their behavior?

Definitely, children have choice and expectations form our parents because they are our closet friends, growing up we open our eyes to see them and believe in them.
I often expect my parents to be fair, consistent and respectful 🤩,They should set a clear rules and expectations and to follow through on consequences when rules are broken.

Children also want their parents to be loving and supportive and to show affection and interest in their lives.


The most important is that children want their parents to listen to them take their concerns,opinion, perception, perspective seriously.When children feel like their parents are meeting these expectations,we tends to have a strong relationship with our parents and feel more secure and loved 💛.

In my family,l use to expect my dad to be like my mum,she is Free as air we can easily tell her any thing without being scare of the outcome or punishment,she will never force us to obey her but my father is an African Man,he is not so strict, but his discipline at to some point make us scared of him,This help us to behave like someone's child and become responsible human beings.l still love and value both of because their strictness make us a responsible adult today.

What are the negative effects of emotional blackmailing

In children who face strict parenting,the negative effect of emotional blackmail can be especially pronounced.Children may feel like they are constantly walking on eggshells and that any misstep could lead to negative consequences. They may also feel like they have supress their true feelings and needs, leading to feelings loneliness. Overtime,this can lead to a child feeling like they are "broken" or "unfixable".

This can have a long-term impact on child's self-esteem and mental health ln some cases, children who are emotionally blackmail by their parents may developed behavioral problems.

To be very sincere, Emotional blackmail can have some negative effect on a person's mental and emotional health.

I can lead to feeling of guilt, shame, and low self-worth.

Anxiety and depression, fear of making mistake or of disappointing others.Difficulty expressing need, emotions and trusting other.

Loss of sense of self and identify,even increasing risk of developing unhealthy relationship.

In worst Cases, emotional blackmail can lead to serious mental health condition like PTSD AND COMPLEX PTSD.It stands for post-traumatic stress disorder.


Strict Parenting can have negative effect on a child's mental and emotional health expecialy if it involves emotional Blackmail.Parent who are strict should be mindful of the potential consequences of their Parenting style and try to find a balance that allows for both structure and support.

Here are few tips for parents who are trying to fine balance include: Make sure your rules are clear and consistent, explain the reasoning behind your rules, provide positive reinforcement when your child follow the rules,and lastly, allow your child to express their feeling in a safe and respectful was.

Thanks so much for spending your precious time on my post remain blessed 🙏. Love you all ,💋Much blessings.

Achievement 1

 7 months ago 

Good morning dear, your post really got me laughing after you talked about your dad. My dad is just like yours, I always scared of him until I grew up and understood alot of things.

There are mistakes you made in your post that am really surprised about. Try to edit your post SBD erase the hashtags you forgot to erase at the end of your post.

You also need to add 25 to the burnsteem among your hashtags as you forgot to add it.

Hi dear friend, thanks so much for the correction,l really appreciate,it takes eagle eye to see this mistake of mine.
Remain blessed 🙏

Your post reflects a thoughtful exploration of the impact of strict parenting on a child's mental and emotional well-being. It's clear that you've considered both the advantages and disadvantages of strict behavior, offering a balanced view. Your personal insights and experiences, such as your cousin's reaction to strictness, add a relatable touch to your writing.

You've also addressed the emotional aspects of being a child in such a situation, emphasizing the potential stress, confusion, and feelings of uncertainty. Your call for parents to seek guidance from ethical sources, like religious teachings, adds a valuable perspective.

Additionally, your discussion of emotional blackmailing and its potential negative effects on a child's mental health is insightful. The inclusion of tips for parents on finding a balance between structure and support is a practical touch that adds depth to your conclusion.

Overall, it's a well-structured and thoughtful post, and it's evident that you've put effort into sharing your views on this important topic. Great job! 🌟

 7 months ago 

Hola amiga
es cierto que hay desventajas y ventajas por lo que hay que ser comprensivos y también disciplinados a la hora de hablar con los chicos para que cuando crezcan sean personas responsables y llenas de amor.
suerte en el concurso.

Thanks so much for going through my post and adding valuable comments,l really appreciate.

 7 months ago 

Hello my dear friend greetings to you I hope so your life is going very well
hope so your life is going very well .

Everything has some benefits and some disadvantages. You have looked at both the aspects of parents being strict and the tips you have given for parents that it is very important to maintain a balance with children. I completely agree with your post.

Best of luck , may you achieve wealth , health , success and prosperity in your life 🙏
Greetings from my side .
Have a nice day 🌼.

Oh dear friend,. excellently doing great over here,l am delighted to Know that you valve my opinion about strict parents.Thank so much for going through my post.

Remain blessed 🙏❣️

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 7 months ago 

If I should give birth, I would ensure that am not strict to my children, because of the negatives impact of being strict to children's which you have perfectly discussed. Success to you.

 7 months ago 

He conocido muchos niños con padres estrictos y eso es mi opinión es muy malo, los padres piensan que les están haciendo un bien a ellos, sin embargo no ven los daños emocionales que les hacen, el niño crecerá con la mentalidad que han formado sus padres, pensaran que todo es malo y vivirán con el miedo constante de lo que les dirán sus padres, también puede que sufran baja autoestima y que de vayan de casa antes de tiempo. Y algunos padres se dan cuenta de eso cuando ya es muy tarde. Éxitos en el concurso.

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