ShowYourTalent with Steem - Contest #15: Flyer, Higher! by @christianyocte

in Draft Crearte3 years ago

Hello, Draft Crearte!

I was really happy to be able to attend the meeting. It was my first time hearing your voices! It was of course very difficult but, I was so glad to hear your voices. How I wish I know the language you all are speaking. I just use the chat box to interact with you. Thanks to google translate, at least I got a bit of the topics being discussed.

Anyways, I am here to submit my entry for the Flyer Making Contest in our Community. This is not just to gain possible earnings but also to show to the administrators and moderators that I am active and very participative as a member. I also want to invite my friends @rye143, @jenesa, and @lunajey, who are not members of this community yet to join us in #DraftCrearte! If you have successfully earned the "verified" badge you can already participate in the fun and challenging contests here. Here's the link of this contest: ShowYourTalent with Steem - Contest # 15


Flyer, Higher! I want to call it that way, I want this flyer to fly very high to reach more people so that they can see the beauty of joining Steemit, more so, joining the #DraftCrearte Community.

For the design concept, I want to make this flyer simple but persuading to invite more interaction to other people. I also do not want to add so many details in the flyer so that the seer will be asking and will be more interested to know more about the flyer.

Symbolism and Process:

Right now I will show you the process of how I designed this flyer. I will also discuss the symbolism of the colors and elements being used in the flyer.


  • Black Background - Black symbolizes power. I believe that people in Steemit will become very powerful individuals in the future because we learn so much in this platform. We get to interact to different individuals not only in our locality but accross all nations! We will become leaders and nation builders of the world.


  • Half-Circle + Yellow- The half-circle yellow element represents the sun which symbolises life. There is life in Steemit and in Draft Crearte. I also believe that the community members rises up each day with bright and happy hearts to inspire and give life to others.


  • White cup - This symbolizes our passion for learning. This respesents a receptacle for knowledge,information and creativity. Things that we can always acquire in Steemit, especially in #DraftCrearte Community.


  • Steem Icon - Because of the knowledge, new information and creativity we will gain and earn Steem. This steem is like an aroma that will ignite our interest and keep us motivated to work harder, to invest in the platform and to enjoy our talents, skills and creativity.


  • The Draft Crearte Logo. Twe are utilizing this because this is the community which we are promoting in Steemit. The logo itself will speak for itself. The different colors of the logo will give an imoression to people that we are very creative and resourceful as a community.


  • Line Break - This represents our elegance and for being high-class.


  • Blog Earn Grow. The texts sum up the activities we are doing in this platform. I intentionslly make it big so that readers can see clearly and undertand how steemit and our community work and uperate.


  • Additional Decor Elements - I use this to capture more attention and emphasize the main text if this flyer.

I also made a simple gif for this flyer because gifs are attractive formats for social media advertising. It gives more life to the flyer.


I hope you all find this flyer beautiful. But let me know what you think in the comment section. I love feedbacks and constructive critivisms. Anyways, to show that this is my original work and design, I took a screen shot of me with the canva file I was working on.




Felicidades , ha realizado un flayer con mucha elegancia y de seguro muchos podrán dejarse llevar por su curiosidad para escanear el código y descubrir la información , éxitos en su participación amigo .

Thank you very much!

 3 years ago 

Good job, your flyer was beautiful.

Thank you very much! I am really happy of your comments!

Adoro el simple hecho de una taza de café ☕😍 te quedó super amigo 😸

thank you very much ☺️

 3 years ago 

Me gusta mucho tu taza yo quisiera tener una así para tomar cada mañana mi café 😍, mucha suerte y éxito en el concurso 🙏😇

thank you so much! Pls also join!

I love you design! it's work so well for social media like an invitation for whatsapp messages to our friends and family! Good luck Chris!! xoxo

Thank you very much. It is just very simple. But Im happy you liked it.

 3 years ago 

What a good job friend, your design is great to promote to the community.😀👍

Excellent @ christianyocte welcome to the draftcrearte team

thank you so much my friend for visiting my post.

 3 years ago 

Felicidades su publicación ha Sido elegida en el top del día. SIGA CREANDO PARA NUESTRA COMUNIDAD.

Para continuar apoyando sus publicaciones deberá:

  • Seguir comentando más 5 publicaciones diarias.
  • Haga dos publicaciones mínimo semanales.
  • Pertenecer al club5050

Cómo ser miembro proactivo


thank you very much! 😍

thank you very much!

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