The approaches of science fiction

in Popular STEM5 months ago

The approaches of science fiction

Science is the way to explore the frontiers of our knowledge, both mental and physical, good science fiction serves to raise questions about the relationship between humans and scientific advances, good science fiction serves as a thought experiment, a collective thought experiment. and also to inspire future researchers.

Most astronomers, if not all, have speculated that they have sought evidence of extraterrestrial life and some scientists have become science fiction writers and, with great success, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, wrote about popular science; Stephen Hawking wrote two works of children's fiction with his daughter, Arthur C Clarke, who in addition to writing 2001, a Space Odyssey, The Sentinel or Date with Rama, which is very interesting.

Arthur C Clarke, in addition to these works, laid the foundations for artificial satellites in geostationary orbit and it is not necessary to be a scientist to write a good science fiction novel, for example, the father of all this or at least the modern father Jules Verne, He studied to be a lawyer, but he did not finish his studies, he did not finish his degree because he wanted to be a writer and he did it very well, although even if you do not have a degree, you must be well informed about what you want to write, Jules Verne was up to date with all the scientific advances and therefore could speculate with technological solutions ahead of their time.

And we do not forget the brilliant minds of the Hispanic World, there is a scientist who also did science fiction, it was Santiago Ramón y Cajal who wrote 12 science fiction stories, between 1885 and 1886, although he did not publish them until 1905 under the title of short stories. holidays and some issues they raised were very advanced for their time.

All great communicators of the future, so, if you have great ideas and you like science, let your imagination fly.

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! The truth will set us free and science is the one that is closest to the truth!

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