SEC-S16-W2 | Para los pájaros - FOR THE BIRDS (Pixar )

Film for the birds.jpg

Bad mood, bullied, negative thinker?

Force yourself to watch this short movie made in 2000 by Pixar. It's one of my favourites and the first time I watched it it was shown in the cinema after a film. Except for me and my family perhaps one other guy saw it. I am not sure what I liked most the film or this short one. I have it on DVD and my phone. Always good for a laugh since that is what 'for the Birds' is good for.

No drama, no lessons, no need to discuss what you see, to digest each pixel you've been watching. This is about humour, to make people laugh, to face the world from a different perspective.

I wonder what happened to humour, a spontaneous and good laugh, to irony and sarcasm, black humour like the one Rowan Atkinson (Mr Bean, Blackadder) is good at, the humour that made, and hopefully still makes, thousands of people worldwide laugh out loud.

If you can't laugh about yourself, what happens to you, if you are unable to see the positive side of life, the humour in each situation you will have a very hard and boring life.

To be honest I'm surprised that many who joined this contest started to talk about society and bad people, neighbours and friends backstabbing. Is this really the way all of you watch films? I find it hard to believe.

Birds always remind me of the idiom: birds of a feather flock (stick) together and that's what I see happen.

Pixar - For The Birds (2000)

I also see a big bird, the always happy type who doesn't care about being invited. He forces himself up to the others and ignores their dirty looks, how cool is that? You can see how angry it makes those little b-birds that the big one ignores their hint. Even if they pick at his feet he laughs. It's the nature of the beast.

That bird most likely isn't the smartest or just friendly but just a dumb species and like the expression says: who isn't aware, doesn't care or to those familiar with the Bible: Blessed are the poor in spirit (Dutch translation: low intellect, which is true since life is so much easier if you don't break your brains about each word said, why you receive a lukewarm welcome are ignored or laughed at.)

Who cares: go for it, do as you like and have a good laugh like that big bird has (is it karma if those who laugh the last have the best laugh?).

I would say, watch this short one and stop searching for answers, to why you aren't liked, it's impossible to please everyone and with a negative attitude you will not be liked for sure.

Note Would there be humour if this shortmovie was a written fable? This all depends on the storyteller.

Header: Canva
Video: YouTube
I am a mobile phone user only

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See HERE for the contest

Invited are @lunasilver @weisser-rabe @patudoh @eveetim @ibesso @oneray

#creativewriting #steemexclusive #club5050 #holland #venezolanos-s16w2 #kittywu #film #review #pixar


It's true that the movie makes you laugh because of the way these little grumpy guys see each other. We all have our own way of looking at things. My son really liked the movie because of his innocence of looking at the playful birds but I saw it through a different lens.
This is the good thing about belonging to a species, we are not all the same in physique, thoughts, it can be said that we are not the same when it comes to interpreting movies, texts or articles.
That's what I like about human beings, their diversity, but not the intention that we think the same as each other.
I liked your point of view, you are great. I also like my point of view and that of many I have read here.
Thank God there is diversity of opinion, otherwise it would be boring to read that we all have the same opinion.

Receive my fraternal embrace.

To be honest all the entries I read were basically the same. So far I did not read one saying it was just a good laugh made by a crazy animator who saw chickens fight one hen and let his imagination run.

Even if children are young they laugh and know what they see. But it's good to laugh even or especially about misery, it reliefs the soul/mind.

I wonder if it is a culture difference. 🤔

Thanks for respinding and sharing your opinion. Like always it's appreciated.


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My dear friend, you are a critic at heart. I dare to say that if you had read that the movie gave everyone a good laugh then you would have given your critical contribution to the contrary.

The important thing is that everyone can write what they feel and accept the contrary opinion or not to what is really exposed in a movie.

A hug friend.

No, sorry I would not since this is one out of a few films I watch to have a good laugh.

I will keep in mind what you said and no longer join the contests where opinions are asked and if I stop commenting.

You made clear it is a difference of culture.


No, my friend, you should not stop competing, it's just my opinion. I didn't want you to be bothered by my opinion. You know I appreciate you very much. I wouldn't want you to stop giving your point of view wherever you want to give your opinion.
Of course we have different cultures but we should be open to diversity. Someone else may have noticed the same thing as you but we just haven't participated yet or haven't read it.

I hope you didn't make me feel like a bone of contention, I assure you that was not my intention.
I have been reading you for so long that I already know what you think from your innermost self.

It's okay, don't worry. I think it's better I don't plus it will save me a lot of time.


Recibe mi abrazo y mis disculpas, si llegué a ofenderte. No quiero dejar de leerte.

Un abrazo fraterno.

We support quality posts and good comments posted anywhere and with any tag.
Curated by : @patjewell

Gracias por su apoyo equipo de steemcurator07 y a @patjewell por la curación de mi artículo.

Pleasure! 🎕

Film ini benar-benar membuat kita tertawa saat melihatnya, ini adalah vidio pendek yang sangat lucu

I am glad it makes you laugh too! Thanks for letting me know. I started thinking I'm the only one on this platform. 🍀❤️🥴

Ciertamente cada espectador tendrá o no un juicio de valor de lo que ve y percibe. La mente humana es compleja, las percepciones son muy variadas. Lo que para unos el film significa solo entretenimiento a percé para otros representa una experiencia vivida que lesionó su autoestima o fue víctima de bullying. Allí existe un universo de circunstancias que cada quién le dará el valor que considere.

Gracias por compartir. Te deseo mucho éxito.

Gracias por publicar en #VenezolanosSteem
Mientras leía tu participación, no pude evitar reír, porque el enfoque que le diste al cortometraje convoca a la simpatía hacia el pájaro grande, que busca pasarla bien, independientemente de lo que los pájaros pequeños sientan o vean en él. Esto me ha dejado una lección: Solo yo puedo construir mi felicidad; y si los demás desean ser infelices; eso es asunto de ellos, jajaja.

Gracias por participar. Estoy feliz de haber verificado tu participación. Un abrazo.

Club Status#club5050
Steem Exclusive
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Verification date2024-03-06

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Que bueno la diversidad, me gusta su punto de vista, que a la final termina donde muchos comenzamos con esta exprecion (¿es karma si los que ríen últimos ríen mejor?).

being self-deprecating is a sign of emotional intelligence and maturity, because it implies a good dose of self-esteem and the awareness that no one is perfect. I like your text!😃

If you like it it's enough. I had no intentiin to take part but after reading all those entries I couldn't control myself. Most people leave the cinema before the end, they fall asleep in front of the telly and all those I know would laugh about films like these. So I wonder if this is about culture difference or people think they need to describe whatever they think the film is about.

My guess a guy watching birds with this behaviour,picking at one bird, and the rest is his imagination, next to the fact this was one of pixar's try outs.

Time to bake, take care of the animals olus I watch your film tip again.

I wish you a great day, thanks for the compliment.


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I’m genuinely moved by your words and the depth of your thought. Finding someone who radiates positivity and such enthusiastic energy is rare, and your words reflect this beautiful aspect of your being. Your ability to bring texts to life and capture the essence of experiences is admirable. Following you is an enriching journey, and on this day that feels like spring, I wish you all the best. Your great energy is a precious gift that makes the world a better place.

Hello dear your post on the short film "For the Birds" is refreshing, emphasizing the importance of humor and the ability to laugh at oneself. Your focus on the positive side of life and the light-hearted nature of the animated short is a great reminder of the joy that humor can bring. The analogy of the big bird's carefree attitude is a powerful message about not letting negative opinions affect one's happiness. Your encouragement to stop searching for approval and to enjoy a good laugh is a wonderful takeaway. A delightful and uplifting perspective! Best of luck in the contest..

Thank you for your comment, I received two comments from you. Seems as if Steemit is still not shoeing comments. :(

A happy day to you dear friend

Your post reflection on the animated short film "For the Birds" beautifully captures the essence of unity in diversity as well as the valuable life lessons embedded in the storyline. Your ability to connect the narrative with real-world scenarios such as conflicts, discrimination, and the law of karma adds depth to the interpretation. The morals you derived emphasize the importance of empathy tolerance and the consequences of betraying others. It's commendable how you've translated the animated tale into meaningful lessons for our daily lives. Great job..

Actually, I did my best not to translate the film. To me it's just a good laugh, it's the right humour for me (black humour) and the message could be: do not take everything so seriously or (if it comes to the big bird: ignore and do as you like).

Thanks for stopping by.

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