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RE: Concurso de Arte y Escritura #98

in Venezolanos Steem2 months ago

The images used in your post are not copyright free. I note this photo has commercial value. But you used this picture. I think the image used in your post is copyright infringement. Below I have added the original source of the images.

Source here

Source here

cc: @steemcurator01 @steemcurator02


Good evening @solaymann, the use of these images was compulsory due to the specific Venezuelan contest.
The invitation to participate to the contest here:

If we don't use the presented images, we can't participate to those specific contests. In this case, we had to choose one between 3 drawings from the French artist Jean León Gérome and his photo too. All appearing in the context. Each week there is a contest like this: all the participants must choose one into 3 drawing from the presented artist and the artist's photo too. All the participants must create an at least 200 words story or a poem based on the chosen drawing and the drawing, along with the artist's image, both must appear in the post in order to correctly participate to the contest.

Ps.: the same @solperez, author of this contest, checked plagiarism free, as you can see above in the entire context:

Is it legal to use commercial images because of the competition? @solperez

Do you think that competition can be used for commercial pictures? @solperez

 2 months ago (edited)

Hola, espero que estés bien. Las imágenes de mi post son de dominio público, y están perfectamente citadas. En tal sentido, le pido, muy respetuosamente, que se retracte.



Cc. @pousinha

 2 months ago (edited)

Las obras presentadas están en dominio público según Wikipedia.

Es importante que te retractes y hagas copia a @steemcurator01 y @steemcurator02.

Es importante que antes de realizar un comentario como este sigas el link que está en la publicación. En internet hay muchos sitios donde las fotografías bidimensionales de obras artísticas se encuentran en los repositorios de dominio público.

You make absolutely difficult choices.

 2 months ago (edited)

Pudiste haber mencionado a la autora del concurso sin haber mencionado al curador.

Es muy importante ser amable y buscar soluciones antes de juzgar porque se puede dañar a un usuario.

 2 months ago 

Vamos a tratar de ser mejores.
Los usuarios necesitan confiar y creer en nuestro trabajo.
Feliz día y saludos fraternos!

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