SEC-S16-W3 | Art inspires

Assalamualaikum steemians


Meaning of art is not just to draw anything....
Art is basically your personal skills that makes you exceptional from all others who have skills but not like you so that type of art always becomes inspirational for all!!


This is one of the most interesting topic Art inspires chosen by the community team and in engagement challenge post I really love all are and every picture was very inspirational and have its unique depth in it but I have choosed depending upon my mood and depending up on my thinking my art for me which is giving and this is below.


As I am a science teacher that's why I can understand this art in more efficient way and in this picture there is a surgeon we can see which is a surgeon of ancient times and at head side of person who is lying it seems that these are students that are understanding anatomy of forearm by surgeon. At right side of lying person which is opposite side of surgeon there are some people standing with seems to helper of surgeon.

I choosed this art because it really inspires me in a way that how in ancient times people practice their practical work on humans but now it has become very easy for students to do their practicals in this advanced world in which there is a lot of technology progression which is still occurring with the passage of time.

This art illustrate that how in past surgeons performed surgeries without giving any anesthesia to many person by simply putting a wooden piece in mouth of patient or by simply wrapping mouth of patient so he may not create too much panic situation for surgeon and it was really something which was related to a lot of patience of ancient people who performed several surgeries and pass through different surgical procedures without any anaesthesia and this is a story I am telling that may be in this picture the surgery is performing any surgical procedure and performing it he is guiding to his students and he is controlling the patient with the help of his workers or helpers.

Later in there was a scientist Sir James who just go into laboratory for some practical and their was chloroform gas that was spread at that day in laboratory and due to which sir James remian uncomfortable for two hours. After that he discovered that which thing was present in laboratory due to which he remained unconscious for 2 hours and then he discovered that it was chloroform gas and after his Discovery he practically implement it on animals and he observed unconsciousness in animals and then he tried in people who have to pass through surgical procedures for giving them general anesthesia during surgery to prevent from pain.

After that chloroform started to use in different patients in which there was a need of unconsciousness for temporary period of time but later on there was different Side effects discovered due to general anaesthesia and many people also have organ failure due to chloroform and now in the era in which we are living it is strictly to use on patients as now that technology and studies are very advance after a lot of practicals and a lot of researches.

That was an interesting story I told you based on my knowledge which I perceived from the picture

Now I want to give my inspiration for this art in a way that;

• This art is inspirational because of its deep meaning and deep story behind it which I have told and explained

• This art is inspirational because it highlights the sacrifices of peoples of ancient times who suffers a lot of pains and after that all the theories that we are studying today are practical based and these practicals have been performed on our ancestors

• Most suitably this art is very inspirational because now a days students that no about anatomy is not just randomized data,basically it is all based on research and practical work as you can see in the picture that how surgeon is dissecting the muscles and then exploring about each and every muscle origin and insertion and guiding to his students also.

What can I conclude?

I want to summarize it in a way that now it is very easy for all to study based on the knowledge which is provided to the students on research base.We should always delve into the depth of art because an artistic hands can give you a lot of beauty which you perceive visually but you enjoy beauty of art more when you understood inside story hidden in art as I understood and explained.

I want to invite here @kouba01,@stef1,@inspiracion,@solaymann,@chant,@malikusman1 to participate



Hi, you highlighted the importance of art in medical education based on a painting of a surgeon and his students. you have highlighted the evolution of anesthesia from Antiquity to the present day, highlighting the sacrifices and progress made by our ancestors. Good luck!

I am happy that you are again here at my post to visit it and you understand my perspective and narrative clearly that I tried my best to explain that how are surgeon is teaching his students and how we can also understand from this art that evolution of anesthesia occurred and now we are living in a area of well developed technology.

Thank you so much for wishing me good luck and engaging with my post in a positive way..

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Your thoughtful analysis of the artwork and its historical significance is truly impressive. You've provided valuable insights into the context and evolution of surgical practices making the artwork even more meaningful. Your ability to connect art with scientific advancements adds depth to the interpretation and enhances appreciation for the subject. wishing you the best of luck in the contest.

Thank you Soo much for your response at my post and I am very happy that history behind in depth and story related to it you really like and it is very impressive according to you as well as I agree that through this story you can understand how surgical procedures and practices evolve.
Thank you so much for wishing me good luck

Hello colleague khursheedanwar, your participation is good, I hope you have good results.

Previously, the practices were rudimentary, somewhat grotesque, the use of chloroform in those times was through an accident as you mentioned, friend, and the effects were harmful in the long term.

Today science has advanced with more practical and less risky methods.

Greetings from a distance friend.

Hlo rdp89!!

Thank you so much for engaging with my post...

Use of chloroform has been used in ancient times during surgical procedures but you do advancements in Science and technology it has revealed that there are a lot of Side effects associated with it and now it is strictly prohibited to use in any person who is passing through surgical procedure.

Thanks for wishing me greetings
Have a blessed day 🌹

Gracias por publicar en la comunidad #Venezolanossteem

¡Bienvenido! Gracias por participar en el SEC16-W3 "El arte inspira

Como lo describes en la publicación, esta imagen que seleccionaste está enmarcada en tu profesión ya que eres profesor de ciencia, además, tu estado de ánimo para el momento, de allí pues, que creas una narrativa donde haces un breve recorrido por la historia en su avance tecnológicos hasta llegar a la anestesia y gracias a Dios, imagínate ser operado al rojo vivo.

Ahora bien, Para hacer una relacion entre la imagen que seleccionaste y tu narrativa, deduzco que quieres decir que a nivel forense también se han logrado varios avances relacionados con la salud?

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Yes definitely I take this art at both levels that how much now it has been easy for students to learn anatomy specifically according to this art because now there are different animations present from which student can easily learn but in the ancient times that bodies have been dissected for making research that how many muscles are in body and what are their origin insertion as well as at forensic level I take it that may be the person who is under surgery is not having any anesthesia so he would be in a lot of pain definitely but still surgeon is performing surgery for his health.

Thank you so much for verification of my post...

Hola amigo, debo decir que quede un poco confundida con tu publicacion. La verdad no se exactamente que querias representar, sin embargo entiendo por que escogiste este arte en particular. Te sientes represantado. Saludos

No need to be confused!!

I am simply inspired by this art because there is a surgeon in the art who is giving lesson related to anatomy of forearm to his students as well as I relate this art with the surgical procedures that how these occurs in ancient times without giving anesthesia to people and then I highlight that how science has been involved and now how much it is easy for students to learn research based things.

Hi, hey good, I liked that you included chloroform in this story and the piece of wood in the mouth of the patient because there was no anesthesia and it was easy to follow the thread of your narrative and associate it with the image, the fact of providing interesting facts and that gave strength to the content.

I am happy that you understood my narrative which was somehow very deep to explain but still you really like the story of chloroform and then how it has been transferred and replaced with other drugs that have anaesthetic properties so it is clear that how much science have been evolved now.

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