My opinion matters: Depression a latent enemy



Depression can be explained as a mental illness that causes a severe or excess feeling of sadness in a person. It eats up the lives of it victims gradually without any warning. As people, we all go through the illness of depression every now and then. Due to how it is, that is it being a mental illness little is known about it. Depressed people will try to cover their depression without letting anyone know what they are really going through. Depression has greater influence on it victims emotions and how one sees life. That is it makes it victims loose interest in life. It causes the victims to be fed up with life and causes them to be emotionally down.

Have you suffered from depression? How was it?
Yes i have ever been a victim to this mental illness before. My experience with depression came abruptly. I didn’t know what i was total broken down. I was able to tell that what i am feeling was depression after i was emotionally worried and down. I was kind of fed up with life, everything thing wasn’t of interesting or entertaining to me. I couldn’t find my self engaging in activities or surrounding my self with people. I usually used to find my self alone and caught up in deep thinking. The experience was a bad one indeed.

Did you receive professional help?
I didn’t precisely receive any professional treatment from any expert. I was able to come over it over time. The problem here is that down here we find it difficult to contact professionals whenever we are going through such challenges. So it is somehow part of us. One will just have to over come it by themselves.

One other way we try to solve such challenges is also by talking to people close to us, like relatives and our friends. In my case even though i had to overcome it by my self i did also talked to my mom about it. She told me it was part of life and i will overcome it over time. Few people here are able to contact professionals here in my locality. Sometimes to contacting a professional cost more than one was expecting, which is sometimes why we try to overcome it by our selves.

What do you recommend to people in this state and to family and friends?
What i will recommend for people going through depression is that they should contact or see a professional. Even though i wasn’t able to see or contact one in when i was going through one. But i will ask whoever is going through such state should contact an expert. This is because they are the best people who can guide and bring one out of such state easily without any stress.

But in the case when one can’t afford to contact an expert like in my case. They should try and contact people closer to them. Some of these people might be expert in solving such problems. Even if they are not able to solve such problems, it always to tell people around you what you are going through. By telling them can also contribute in solving your problems for you in one way or the other.

In conclusion, we all have to understand that depression kills, and for that reason we have to try and contacting people who are experts at it and those who are not for help. By doing so, that is contacting others, we reduce the chances of it eating us up emotionally and spiritually.


Hola amigo, gracias por tu apoyo y participación.
La familia y los amigos verdaderos, siempre son una buena opción si no podemos ir con un profesional.
Gracias a Dios tuviste con quien hablar de tu situación.
Actualmente a través de las redes sociales podemos ver a algunos profesionales dando recomendaciones y compartiendo herramientas para luchar contra la depresión, la verdad es que nosotros debemos buscar la manera de que las emociones y las adversidades no nos usmerjan en un estado depresivo.
La vida son decisiones, cuando murio uno de mis hermanos tenía una profunda tristeza y fue cuando empecé a correr y correr ha sido mi mejor terapia, lo cierto es que debemos buscar hasta encontrar eso que nos ayude a mejorar y no dejarnos sumergir en la oscuridad, solo nosotros podemos decidirlo.
Recuerda invitar a tus amigos a participar, tal vez alguno necesite leer estas lineas.
Saludos amigo, agradecida por compartir con nosotros tu experiencia y valiosa opinión.

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