Antes de nacer

in Venezolanos Steem2 days ago




Antes de nacer

Veo a mi hermosa madre y siento una emoción intensa.

Es mi propia historia antes de nacer.

Siempre fui un ángel rebelde y simpático, así que me permitieron asomarme al mundo una sola vez, para conocer a quien sería mi madre.

Ella, sin saber que pronto tendría una hija, hilaba encajes que adornaban las plantas de lavanda para perfumar el hogar. Me acerqué a ella para oler su fragancia, soñando sentir muy pronto el calor de su abrazo.

Antes de irme, no resistí la tentación y le saqué la lengua con cariño.

Así fue nuestro primer encuentro aun sin palabras.

Captura de pantalla 2024-09-13 a las 17.55.33.png



Before I was born

I see my beautiful mother and feel an intense emotion.

It's my own story before I was born.

I was always a rebellious and friendly angel, so I was allowed to peek out into the world only once, to meet the one who would be my mother.

She, not knowing she would soon have a daughter, spun lace that adorned lavender plants to scent the home. I approached her to smell her fragrance, dreaming of soon feeling the warmth of her embrace.

Before leaving, I couldn't resist the temptation and stuck my tongue out at her affectionately.

Thus was our first encounter even without words.


Así cumplo con la tarea 3 del Taller de escritura creativa que conducen @wakeupkitty y @inspiracion.

Si deseas unirte, aquí la información. Me gustaría invitar a @esthersanchez, @aplausos y @genomil




En este breve texto se trabaja la idea de que los hijos escogen a sus madres, para bien o para mal. Tal vez el "sacar la lengua" sea un gesto de travesura o de reto al destino. Te deseo mucha suerte.

Dear Free Writer,

We are very happy that you have joined #wewrite and we hope that you have fun writing together. What you write is a learning experience for all of us and feedback is important. Also, read your comments, they can be very useful. Below you will find the review of your publication.
We thank you for participating in We-Write.

What went well - 1 point-
What to improve-
Title - 2 point2
Hashtags - 1 points1
A flashy start - 2 points2
Creativity / out-of-the-box thinking - 3 points3
Following the rules - 1 point
AI text is forbidden-
Verification date:September 13, 2024

Well done you only forgot to describe what you see and feel. Congratulations you finished Lesson 1. A good weekend to you


All good? - You could be nominated for the 5 best of the week.

Thank you for your verification. At no time did I forget to express what I see and what I feel. I included it in the first paragraph. “I see my beautiful mother and feel an intense emotion”

Maybe I should have placed it out of context but the limitation of 100 words conditioned me.

Even so, I felt good participating in this learning proposal. Thank you for making it possible.

As a more experienced writer you are a few steps ahead which isn't wrong and I did see what you mentioned so don't worry. It's just a bit different from what is asked and if separated from the rest of the text it makes our mind open to see different ways of writing.

It can be a puzzle to use the 100 words, I know al about it and it's not that who writes 100 words is per se a lazy writer like someone once told me.

It's good to hear you saw your beautiful mom while you wrote. For sure she is a source of inspiration and helpful if it comes to your niche.

A warm hug to you and thank you for your kind words. I wish you a great weekend before we Lesson 2 starts (for sure you will like that).

Amiga que hermoso. Al leerlo conecté con una dulzura, di gracias a Dios por mi madre. A quien según tu historia, elegí desde antes de nacer. Fue la mejor decisión de toda mi vida. Te honro mamá.

💯⚜2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ This is a manual curation from the @tipu Curation Project.
Also your post was promoted on 🧵"X"🧵 by the account josluds

@tipu curate

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