God Hath Not Given Us The Spirit Of Fear

in HeartChurch3 years ago

_Our deepest Fear_....png

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same ”. Miranne Williamson source

As a young girl, these words made so much meaning to me. It has been my everyday inspiration, whenever I remember it I kept shining my light in my own little space because I believe I am unconsciously giving others the permission to do same. I was young at the time I watched a movie titled “Akeelah and the Bee”. I loved cartoons and different TV series, but Akeelah and the Bee was the best movie I watched as a teenager and I cleft so much to it. Why? This is because I could draw so many lessons from this series.

The movie taught me self-confidence, hard work, determination, and inner strength.
The quote from it summarized everything and widened my knowledge about my (our) fear(s).

I was young but I wasn’t naive. I was opened to so many things. I had my doubts, sometimes I was afraid of the things I do, things I wanted to do, whom I wanted to be. My dreams and aspirations were limited by no other but my own self.

Akeelah in the movie was a young girl who had the ability to spell. She spelled words that even some of her agemates couldn’t spell, words bigger than a normal child of her age. She could do this, yet she limited herself. Spelling was one thing she loved to do but when called upon to do, she shied away from it because of a lack of confidence at first start. Just a single mistake, she was mocked and ridiculed, she couldn’t stand her ground. But did it end there? No! Young Akeelah faced her fears, rose above it, and built her confidence.

Even when others didn’t believe she could do it, she never stopped and with the encouragement from her coach, she emerged as the winner in the end.

I could be whatever ever I want to be if I am determined and believe in myself.
Though the movie taught me a lot of things, the quote taught me even more.
Often time we become slaves to ourselves because of fear. We doubt our ability or capacity, we doubt who we are, we doubt our strength

And sometimes we even doubt the gifts God has deposited in us.

Little do we know that the gifting of God in our lives was for a purpose. And that purpose was the reason we were brought to earth to fulfill no matter how the world or situations surrounding us is.
Just like that saying, we were born to manifest the glory, splendor, and gifts of God upon our lives.

We notice that two friends that stick together for a very long time tend to share a lot in common. Unconsciously they start imitating each other in one way or the other.
And Mirrane Williamson quote said something similar to this in her quote. “…As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others the chance or permission to do the same…”

You might not be aware of this but shining your own light gives others the privilege to do the same.
If you are in an environment and you aren’t shining your light or manifesting, then it simply means others around you will still be in bondage of the dark. Until you are liberated, then will others be liberated because of your presence in their midst.

The next time you ask questions like “Who am I to be seen, to be heard, to be intelligent, wealthy, successful, rich, talented, skilled, or even famous. Please remember that you were meant to be whatever you are or aspire to be. Do not be afraid of your own self. Do not be afraid of whom you aspire to be.

The scripture in

1 Timothy 1: 7 says “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” source

God never instilled in us the spirit of fear, so why do we limit and hinder ourselves by being afraid of the things we shouldn't be afraid of?
Why do we give fear a chance and a place in our lives that we even become slaves to it?

Miranne Williamson quoted again “Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here” source

This also justifies the word of God in 1 timothy 1:7

Just like the little girl in that TV series, be confident, and determined about whatsoever you wanna achieve in life. You were made to shine forth. Do not use your own hands to dim your light or even quench it.
Let your presence be felt by others and give them a chance to shine forth as well.

Always have it in mind that you were not birth with the spirit of fear, don’t limit yourself with it.
Let the scriptural verse (1 Timothy 1:7) and the quote from Miranne Williamson be your guide every time fear comes knocking at your door.

I hope you got inspired today to fight your fears and live up to the standard and level God wants you to be and be who he created you to be. Have confidence and believe in yourself.
Thank you for spending your time on my blog post, I really appreciate it.
And please pardon me to save this here.

Image is created by me using canva.com

 3 years ago (edited)

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