in HeartChurch3 years ago

(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina

Sunday 12th September, 2021


Text: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Gal 6:7

Another word for sowing is investing. When a farmer sows or invests in the soil he reaps the harvests of whatever is sown in a multiplied form. This is how life operates. What you invest is what will multiply back to you. What we squander and waste is lost forever. What we invest has a future waiting for it. We are all products of passive or active investments we have made in the past.

Two critical factors in the investment process are what you invest and where you invest. We can invest our time, energy, affection, resources etc. These are highly precious privileges that life has given us. We don’t have enough of them to invest indiscriminately. We must therefore ensure that what we have is wisely invested with a guaranteed harvest for the future. A student for example is in school to invest time to get a certificate. The time must be wisely invested to achieve that goal or else the same time could be invested in other ventures that will not produce the purpose of been in school. Please don’t ever forget that life will give back to you exactly what you invest into it in a multiplied form.

Where we invest our time, energy, affection and resources is also crucial. For example where you spend your time is where you are investing your life. Where you put your time and resources is where you are putting your life. We are either investing in what will build us up or what will destroy us. Samson invested his time and affection on Delilah; she destroyed him. David invested in knowing how to play the guitar; this brought him to the palace. We must therefore ensure that wherever we invest our time, energy and resources on must be something that builds, edifies and adds value to us.

In the name of Jesus I declare that from today my time, energy and resources are channelled aright.

LEARN MORE: Gal 6:7-9

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