in HeartChurch3 years ago

(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina

Tuesday 9th November, 2021


Text: “And Jabez was more honourable than his brethren; and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, Because I bare him with sorrow. And Jabez called on the God of Israel....”1 Chron 4:9-10

The life of Jabez was a complete mess. He had a name that became a problem for him. He was named sorrow and that became his life experience. This was not necessarily a name that God gave him. It was his mother that did. Jabez grew up to realise that this cannot continue. It was not his fault that he was given that name; but it will be his fault to remain in that state. He took up his case in prayer to demand for an alignment with divine purpose.

He must have realised that what was happening to him was not in agreement with God’s counsels for his life. He took the responsibility of prayer to see a change in his life. If he had not taken a step of prayer he would have remained in that state all his life blaming God and his mother.

Life is spiritual and until we get serious about our spiritual life many things will elude us. Prayer is one vital means of getting ourselves into divine alignment. Prayer is not just a means of getting something from God, but a means of becoming something in God. The highest goal of prayer is not what we get but what we become in the process. A wise man said “Don’t work on having; work on becoming. With what you are you will have.” Prayer does not only change things for us, it changes us for things. God is more interested in what we become more than what we get. What you get is external to you; what you become is internal to you. The inner us is far more important than the outer us.
As you get on your knees today in prayer there will be divine alignment in your life. More than ever before you will begin to function in the centre of God’s will.

In the name of Jesus I declare that my entire life comes into divine alignment. I live in purpose.

LEARN MORE: Heb 4:16

Lord we declare that your word through Inspiration is guiding everyone reading into purpose

 3 years ago 

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