in HeartChurch3 years ago

(Giving direction to your day)
Ola Aina

Monday 1st November, 2021


Text: “And not many days after the younger son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country and there wasted his substance with riotous living.” Luke 15:13

Money can be wasted. Time can be wasted. Strength can be wasted. Wastefulness is an unnecessary, untargeted or purposeless giving, spending or use of resources. The resource could be money, time, energy or talent. Resources that are not well planned for are usually wasted. It’s possible to literally waste the grace of God and the opportunities that we have today.

The prodigal son is a typical example of wastefulness. He went to a far country and literally wasted his life there. If he had invested what the father gave him; he wouldn’t have found himself in that state. Wasting resources is wasting life. He wasted his time, money and energy. Whatever God gives us is for the purpose of fulfilling his plans and purpose for our lives and must be invested wisely and not wasted. Every resource (Money, time, energy, talents) must be deployed to the fulfilment of that purpose and plan. Whatever resource that is not deployed to fulfil God’s purpose will eventually be wasted.

Steps to avoid wastefulness!

  1. Appreciate the value of time and every resource God gave you. Time wasted is life wasted. Time management is actually life management.
  2. Understand that you are accountable for everything that God gives you. Set up a system that makes you accountable for everything that comes your way.
  3. Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit; so that he can guide us on how to best utilize every resource that we have.
  4. Be purpose driven in all that you do.

My time, energy and resources are judiciously used. Everything about me is invested only in God’s purpose and plans for me.

LEARN MORE: Prov 18:9

Thnk you Lord for changing lives through Inspiration in October. Ps 92;1-2

 3 years ago 

God hates waste and we must try our best to avoid waste in our day to day work with Him

You're absolutely right. Thanks for stopping by and for commenting.

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