The One Who is Forgiven The Most, loves the Most

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Luke 7:47
Therefore I tell you that his many sins are forgiven him, because he loved much; but he to whom little is forgiven, he loves little.


People are often singled out for their past, for things they have done in ignorance perhaps, or knowingly, but which, thanks to God's mercy, have been convicted of their old ways, and have changed their lives.

But for the simple fact of having had a past outside of what society considers acceptable, it seems that they have no right to start over, because they never see the good warnings that they do now, and they only remain anchored to the past.

Sometimes we could think that these people are hypocrites because now all they do is talk about God and his word, and we can say that he does not remember when he did this or that, but the real reason why now they only want to have the word in their mouth of God is because they have been forgiven, they have had the opportunity to start a new life, and they have understood what this means, they are grateful to God, they know that what they did was wrong and they are infinitely grateful for the new opportunity that God gives them.

The bible says that the one who is forgiven much, loves much, that is why the greater it seems that what has been forgiven, the more love the human being will express towards God.

That is why a forgiven person loves so much, out of gratitude, out of love, because he recognizes the grace of God that has reached him, the one who has been forgiven always be willing to do everything that is entrusted to him, with love and availability, because they know where they have been drawn from, to live a new life, with new opportunities and with great hope in God's purpose for them.

Let us not be light to judge the behavior of others and let us also be grateful because we too have the same opportunity that they have taken to start over.

 3 years ago 

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