When you are born again

in HeartChurch3 years ago

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As you are born again, and you've received the Holy Ghost, you are one with the Lord. The Lord has come to reside within you and He has intermix with your spirit. His aim from the start of the world was to not be separate with you, He's to unite with you. He has one with Lord Jesus Christ; He was so much mingle with Lord Jesus Christ till extend that Philip asked Jesus in book of John 14, “Show us the Father and we will be pleased,” His response to Philip was, that “Have He spend such long time with them and have Phillip not known Him?” Then He added,

Jesus said “Anyone tgat has seen Him has seen the Father. He's in the Father, and the Father is in Him.” He needed us to know His oneness with God, and that unity with God is what He brought us into. 1 John 1:3 NKJV tells us, “…truly our relationship (our oneness, our union) is with God and Lord Jesus Christ. (son)” Lord Jesus Christ had prayed about this before He went to the Cross; He referred to everyone that would believe in Him, He said, “That they all may be one; as you are in me Father, and I am in you, that they may also be one in us…” (John 17:21).

Jesus Christ wanted us to be one with Him and God so that the world would not be able to separate us from Him. And that is what has occurred. Even the angels are keen by this, because they look at us now, and see Lord Jesus Christ! That is Christianity, Christ in you; the God's Kingdom is at work in you. 1 Corinthians 1:9 says, "Faithful is God by whom you were called to the fellowship of his Son lord Jesus Christ.” This was all what God needed, but it was a secret from the start of the world (Colossians 1:26-27).

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