Unity in the church

in HeartChurch4 years ago

ACTS; CHAP-2: 1 "When the day of Pentecost came, they were all in one accord"


GOD commands us to correctly apply the word UNITY, and to act as directed by his holy scriptures, which would become our manual of life, just as the FATHER, SON, AND HOLY SPIRIT act as they work in unity, and unity to we as a church is the key to assurance of salvation.
There in ACTS: CHAPTER-2 VERSE-1: It speaks to us or implies that on the day of Pentecost, they were all united, together in harmony ready to obtain the promise, to receive the word of GOD Celebrating a spiritual feast where all were together content in the service of GOD. Where such a great unity among believers could be appreciated. It should be this way among us because GOD commands and says it through his word. That there is no resentment, lies, envy and selfishness and other negative things among the brothers of the church, because those things do not please GOD.


Our CELESTIAL father wants a CHURCH where order exists, where the needs of others are met, despite the difficulties that our beloved country is going through, that there is a sense of spiritual belonging and we do not miss worship to adore him and listen to his word and nourish ourselves more of her and that we continue winning souls.
Unity in the CHURCH as the holy scriptures say in EPHESIANS: CHAPTER-2, VERSES: 19: So you are no longer foreigners or upstarts, but fellow citizens of the saints, and members of the family of GOD. 20: built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, being the main corner stone JESUS ​​CHRIST himself.21: in whom the whole building, well coordinated, grows to be a holy temple in the LORD. Therefore, once in CHRIST, we become part of the great family of GOD and we are no longer alone and that the basis of that union is the CROSS of our LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST and it is the cornerstone on which everything goes growing well coordinated.



 4 years ago 

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