in HeartChurch3 years ago

Captura de pantalla (1103).png



Un saludo a toda la comunidad de Heartchurch, hoy quiero compartir con todos ustedes esta reflexión: “DIOS MIRA EL CORAZÓN”.

Y Jehová respondió a Samuel: No mires a su parecer, ni a lo grande de su estatura, porque yo lo desecho; porque Jehová no mira lo que mira el hombre; pues el hombre mira lo que está delante de sus ojos, pero Jehová mira el corazón.

1 Samuel 16:7.

Cuando vemos una comida muy bien presentada y agradable a la vista, creemos que está sabrosa y nos gustaría comer para saber que tan buen sabor tiene.

El ser humano mira lo que sus ojos pueden ver, y de acuerdo a lo que ve puede tomar decisiones. Por ejemplo, si vamos a escoger unas frutas, tratamos de que sean las mejores a nuestra vista, sin saber cómo están por dentro; porque no la podemos ver.

Así mismo ocurre con las personas, pensamos que una persona es buena y dadivosa sin saber realmente que lo es.

En este pasaje, Samuel fue a ungir a uno que sería rey de Israel, pero el que quería ungir Samuel por su buen parecer, no era el indicado, aunque para nuestros ojos puede ser el mejor, no vemos más allá de lo que nuestros ojos pueden ver. Y es allí donde Dios le dice a Samuel, que el hombre mira lo que está delante de sus ojos, pero Dios mira el corazón.

Muchas veces juzgamos a los demás, por lo que está delante de nuestra vista; pero podemos estar equivocados, porque no conocemos el corazón de esa persona.

Hoy te invito a que reflexiones y pienses siempre que lo que está delante de tu vista, no siempre es lo que tú piensas. Tú ves lo que está delante de tus ojos, pero Dios mira el corazón. Ten siempre eso presente.


Captura de pantalla (1104).png


Greetings to the entire Heartchurch community, today I want to share with all of you this reflection: "GOD LOOKS AT THE HEART".

And the Lord said to Samuel: Do not look at his appearance, nor at the greatness of his stature, because I am rejecting him; for Jehovah does not look at what man looks at; for man looks at what is before his eyes, but the Lord looks at the heart.

1 Samuel 16: 7.

When we see a food very well presented and pleasing to the eye, we think it is tasty and we would like to eat to know how good it tastes.

The human being looks at what his eyes can see, and according to what he sees he can make decisions. For example, if we are going to choose some fruits, we try to make them the best in our sight, without knowing how they are inside; because we can't see it.

The same happens with people, we think that a person is good and generous without really knowing that it is.

In this passage, Samuel went to anoint one who would be king of Israel, but the one who wanted to anoint Samuel because of his good looks was not the one, although for our eyes it may be the best, we do not see beyond what our eyes you can see. And it is there that God tells Samuel that man looks at what is in front of his eyes, but God looks at the heart.

Many times we judge others by what is in front of us; but we can be wrong, because we do not know the heart of that person.

Today I invite you to always reflect and think that what is in front of your eyes is not always what you think. You see what is in front of your eyes, but God looks at the heart. Always keep that in mind.

Final pelon53 la mejor propia.png

 3 years ago 

When the word of God says, your heart; it means: All that you are; your soul. All your mind, all your heart (feelings), your will. The Lord can see if your thoughts are good or bad, if you have a sound mind, or perverted, if your mind is clean, or dirty. The Lord knows what kind of thoughts you have; he can see the condition of your heart.


 3 years ago 


@pelon53...please support me... 🙏

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@pelon53,I hope you want support me🙏

[WhereIn Android] (http://www.wherein.io)

 3 years ago 

Beautiful words here! Thanks for sharing at HeartChurch community. God is a Spirit that communicates with the spiritual part of us which is our heart/soul. But mortal men can only lean on their four senses to judge things.

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