The humility of the believer.

in HeartChurch4 years ago

1 From PETER: Ch-5: 5 “Likewise, young people, be subject to the elderly; and all submissive one to another, clothe yourselves with humility; because: GOD resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble."


Beloved brethren, humility in the believer is the virtuous attitude that must be demonstrated before GOD in the face of his superiority and perfection in full awareness that it was GOD who conceived the grace of existence. Therefore, humility in the believer is to recognize one's own smallness before the mystery of life, and to accept the equality of every human being and to submit to the will of our creative father, receiving it as good, pleasant and perfect.


Humility calls us to the conscience of understanding that as human beings we are all equal in the eyes of GOD and the greatest example of humility in us believers is the figure of our Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST. Humility is a virtue that brings together several characteristics that are manifested in human beings in terms of their behavior, including: Understanding the equality and dignity of all human beings, Appreciating work and effort, Recognizing their own virtues, Recognizing their own limitations, Express yourself with affability, Act with modesty, simplicity and measure, listen to others and take their opinions into account, genuinely respecting others. Humility: It is submitting or surrendering to the authority of a higher authority, for which we are obliged to respect and avoid attitudes of arrogance in front of our pastors of the church, but even in the presence of GOD ... Amen.

Blessings from on high.

 4 years ago 

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