No Pressure.

in HeartChurch3 years ago (edited)


Philippians 4:6 (NIV)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Life is full of pressure and the desire to do what others are doing and enjoy the end product without understanding that there is a process. We seem to always admire the gold without appreciating and understanding the process of fire it had to go through.

I want to share the experience my wife shared with me today when she took my daughter to the salon. She would be a year soon though. I believe the Holy Spirit wants me to remind someone that "No Pressure!!!"

She usually makes our daughter's hair herself every week but she decided to take her with her to the salon that day so that they can make a style that would last longer than a week for her.

It was a very stressful experience for her as I gathered because she displayed several tantrums while making the hair, which is normal because she has never done that before and also they might not be as gentle as a mother would. At some point, she almost gave up and told them not to worry, but when she thought about the fact that it is beneficial in the long run since she won't have to do another in 2 weeks for her, so she persisted.

After everything, they finished the hair and she was back to her playful self and was all over the place and of course, looking so pretty. I remember I saw her when I picked her up while going to Church and she was looking absolutely delightful.


A young woman walked in with a two-year-old baby girl and saw our daughter and admired her and her hair. To my wife's great surprise, this woman started rebuking her daughter on how she wouldn't allow them to make her hair and would be causing unnecessary trouble while at it. She ranted for a while until the young girl started crying.

My wife looked at her and said to herself, "This is the same hair she almost gave up on and someone else is seeing the finished work and is jumping to conclusions." She did the honourable thing and went closer to the woman to share her own experience with our daughter before they could achieve what she is seeing and now admiring. The woman, of course, felt sober and apologized to her daughter.

Psalm 90:4 (NIV)

A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.

This is how most people are. We see someone driving a luxurious car and we want to have what they have without knowing the price they paid in the place of prayer and even with efforts that God helped them with. Holy Spirit ministered and made me understand that this is what we do to ourselves. We see results from other people, not knowing what they have been through or the challenges they have had to deal with and we start to compare and put pressure on ourselves. We cannot skip the process. A gold doesn't come out purified without undergoing heat or fire. A man is not made perfect without tribulations.

We need to calm down, don't be too quick to judge and respect the process. Don't be too hard on yourself and because you haven't gotten what others have doesn't mean you are failing. You are in your own testing period too and you must come out first. Only those who suffered for those they enjoy can value such a thing.

When the value of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable.

You have to protect your peace and take care of your emotional energy for the things you have to go through. The truth is, you will and must go through these things. If you are taking on extra drama, you will not have the emotional energy you need for your dreams, for your family and your divine assignment. Don't try to compare yourself. Let God do His wonders through your life and enjoy the process. It might be a long walk but it would be worth it. God knows how to collapse times and seasons for His beloved.

You are a child of God, and everything He has belongs to you. Take time to enjoy, appreciate, and love what God has made and given you. While going through what you are going through, enjoy the process and see God at the end of it all. It becomes easier that way because it makes whatever you will get at the end of it last longer. The blessing of the Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow.

No pressure. Calm down. Enjoy the process.



Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.


I love this message @olawalium in fact, it is just little different with what I am going through right now. Though I don't give my self pressure when I see others doing big thing but I admire them.
As i am reading this post it really give me rest of mind and my mind is relived. Not everybody have understanding that this life is all about process. Because everything God has made is under processing.
The hair really fit her, it makes her more beautiful. Let her mum always take her to salon to make her ooo. So that the stressed would not be too much for her.

Thank you so much my brother. Yes, it's a phase and a process. You will be fine, don't worry.

Thanks bro for the encouragement. 💕

You are welcome.

I loved reading the post, the girl suffered from being combed obviously the mother is more aware of her, but the delicate tone of the mother's voice helped the girl to let her comb her hair and she was beautiful, then the other arrived Lady and La History repeated, so as not to make my comment too long I will tell you that I loved everything I read, it is a teaching that we must apply, patience does not always accompany us and we must not rush since everything takes a process and effort

Patience is indeed vital. Thanks a lot.

That pressure is what is "killing"(i literally mean that, somehow)most of us today. People usually relate it to the youth, but i wouldn't say that. Even the old people are getting influenced by the success of others though they don't really know or don't even bother to know how the fellow strived to reach that stage. All we know is, we we want to be like them. So most of the time, people don't appreciate what they have and also tend to use dubious means to get what they want. It always doesn't end well as we all know.. Thanks for your message of inspiration @olawalium

I should be thanking you for this brilliant comment.


We should not take pressure in any situation. Just stay cool and ask for help to the God.

Help of God, that is important.

Problems are topical we should keep patience and we have to depend on God.

Patience is important and not comparing.

He cann't gain in life who take pressure. Where there is problem there is solution. Good wishes for her. Excellent motivational post.Thank you.

I love this comment too. Thank you.

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