light up your ways

in HeartChurch2 years ago

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It's written in the Bible that God is “Light” and the “father of lights”; so, we are the offspring of Light, we dwell in the light. we have been brought into the marvellous light of God; that is your location in the spiritual real; you live in His awesome light. Thus, there is no darkness in your life. readily, it reminds the words of Lord Jesus Christ in John 8:12; He said, “…He is the light of the world: anyone that follow Him shall not walk in darkness, but He shall have the light of life.” We have, and have to walk in the same light that God dwells and functions in.

It simply means that we should walk in the Word of God, because His Word is light. Walking in the light of God means your mentality and ken are a outcome of the Word; you see and live your life only from the Ken of the Word! The Word of God should be the only light in which, and with that you see. Under that light, you see only contingency and triumphs; you see the God's glory; and because you see it, you speak and walk according to it. When you agree with what the Word of God says about you, and then concur accordingly, you are walking in God’s light.

God gave us His Word to light up our way, so there would not be darkness or doubt as you walk through life. You have been brought out of dark life, and sent into the Kingdom of the love Son of God, where there can never be darkness, death, sin, evil and bad influences of the world. You have been sent to the tactful and glorious liberty of God's son. Live and see from that sphere; it’s the realm of victory, dominion, peace and joy evermore.

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