Jesus; the Deity

in HeartChurch2 years ago


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Even though Christmas, which is the celebration of the birth of Lord Jesus Christ is not something we can argue on because it's the most popular festival in the world, still, we have many people that doesn't know who Lord Jesus Christ really is. To some people, He is just a great religious leader. But Jesus is not a mere religious leader or religion formist; He’s God Himself. You have to read the Word of God to get to know this.

In the book of John 5:39, Lord Jesus Christ said, “...look inside the Scriptures, they testify me.” The Scriptures testify Lord Jesus as a Deity. John 1:1 says, “In the start was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Verse 14 says, “And the Word was turn to flesh, and live among us, full of grace and the truth.” This direct to Lord our Lord Jesus Christ; so while we celebrate Jesus, you are celebrating the living and embodied Word.

By yourself, study the Bible from the book of Genesis to Revelation, and you will come to a realisation: Lord Jesus Christ is God! Remember His words in John 10:30, He said He and Father are one.” In John 14:8-9, He said, “If you have seen Him, you have seen God.” He is one with God. You need to come to that point in your life where you know that Jesus is the fullness of Deity. Jesus is the full incarnation of Deity. This is the “Christ” we are celebrating God that came to the world in the body of Jesus.

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