We don't Look or Pretend Not To Look.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Sometimes things happen that we don't really expect, things that are unpleasant, perhaps even for us, but it is easier for us to keep quiet about it than to complicate our existence, reaching the point of falling into injustice, since it is the same to commit it or see it and be silent.


In situations like you are, it is up to us to decide whether to face it or shut up, then it is our values ​​and principles that will speak for us.

In the bible we can read the story of Tamar in second Samuel 13, as her brother abused her, but David her father did not have enough strength to resolve the situation, but he turned it around, which later It ended up being a tragedy for them as a family.

So I think we must be more responsible with each decision we make, each action will have a consequence, it is up to us to define what it will be, good or bad.

So we should be a little more aware about the things we observe, because even if it does not happen directly to us, we are also responsible since we are looking.

If you really had to live a similar situation and you have pretended not to look at anything, then you should ask God for forgiveness and correct that action that you hid, because this will bring a curse on your life.

Let us live in peace whenever we can, but let us not be silent only for fear of facing evil, let us face it and let Our God act in favor of justice and truth.

Let us stop contributing to evil or being part of it, when we are children of the father of lights, we must act like Him always, without fear, with courage and above all a lot of confidence that good always triumphs.

 3 years ago 

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