
in HeartChurch3 years ago

Jeremiah 15:19 "If you separate the precious from the vile, you will be like my mouth."

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The Lord teaches us that we must stop depending on our achievements and rely only on it. This teaching is not only about salvation, but about all aspects of life.

The Lord calls us to repent of our sinful habits, our self-reliance, and the pursuit of our own desires.
The Lord's desire is that we learn to honestly say “all that I am and all that I have is God's. He is in me and I in Him, and that's all that counts ”.

Brokenness is something that God is ripping out of your life. Something you trust more than the Lord. God takes care of it by breaking your dependency on everything, no matter how long it takes or how difficult this process may be for you. The Lord's goal is to bring you to spiritual fullness and maturity and thus through you to bring others to that same spiritual fullness and maturity, using your testimony.

Perhaps the brokenness manifests itself with emotional pain that you feel you cannot bear, or you have faced a series of disappointments that have made you insecure.
The apostle Paul experienced a time of suffering and he led him to say three times I have begged the Lord to take it away from me, The Lord did not take away this thorn or suffering that he had in his flesh, but I did help him understand that it was given to him. to keep him from exalting himself and leaning on something outside of Christ.

If you are going through a brokenness, rest assured that God with his infinite grace can sustain and mature you and would show you how to stop leaning on earthly forms of security and teach you to rest in his powerful provision and love.

The Lord uses brokenness to teach us to deepen our understanding and spiritual growth.

 3 years ago 

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