We own the World

in HeartChurch3 years ago


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In the Bible, it is written that we are joint heirs with Christ, which simply means that everything He owns is yours as well. He shares all things with you, even His Name. Not surprised as He said “Whatever you do in word or deed, let it be in the name of the Lord Jesus….” (Colossians 3:17) He has already gave His Name to you live in, so what could be higher than that? As a joint-heir with Christ, you are among the owner of the world. Now you can understand reason why you don't have anything to be praying and demanding from God for, except to pray for others, and fellowship with God.

Prayer has different types of meaning with the awareness that you already have all you need for life and godliness. Always, some Christians profess their needs, instead of them to concur the Word of God because of their wealth and prosperity. “Oh God, I need a a mansion; I need the latest car; I need a wife and I need that”; but that is not the way. All that you need is Christ and now He lives in you; and Christ is all things! He has all things, and He has given you all things. So, let His Word build how you think and show you a new way of thinking.

The world is yours. Have this mentality! The ask us to have trust “…in the living God that give us all things richly to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17). Ephesians 1:3 announce that, “Blessed be to God and the Father to Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessings in places of heaven in Christ.” God has already blessed you with all blessing that real in Christ.Prosperity, Health, victory, success, happiness, peace and all blessing of God is yours already. Live with that awareness.

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