"To love ourselves is to love God."

in HeartChurch4 years ago



Be all the loved ones of this community, blessed.
greetings to our apostle @darleny01, @heartchurch, @sc-v, @steemchurch. Thank you for your support and the great work you have been doing in this beautiful city.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life."

We were created to love and be loved. This is how God made us, and this is how we are. And not only that; rather, he taught us and teaches us that we should love. That's what the verse we just read says.

Now ... how difficult it is to love yourself. It is not an easy thing to do, because you may not appreciate yourself simply because you feel unattractive, or because of your financial situation, because you are not popular or because you do not fit stereotypes. The truth is that your true worth does not depend on what you have, but on how you see yourself in God's eyes, so love yourself as God loves you.


God's love goes beyond your abilities or talents, surpasses stereotypes or anything else; it is based on Jesus, who gave his life in sacrifice to reconcile you to God. When you understand this redemptive work you can realize how valuable, appreciable, and important you are in their eyes. Well, a King died for you to give you eternal life!

When you love yourself, you can love others.

Nobody can give something they don't have, so if you don't love yourself as God loves you, it will be impossible for you to show real love to the people around you, so it is vital that you develop your self-love through a personal communion with the Lord. so that you can extend to others what you receive from Him.


Can you imagine what your environment would be like if we all loved each other as God loves us? It sure would be something like paradise.

So for the good of you and of others let's develop this love in our life.

If there is something that prevents you from loving yourself, ask God for help
There are times when we find it difficult to love each other because of all the bad things we did and we believe that we are not worthy of being loved or loving. However, this is a wrong thinking, thinking like this drives us away love and what it does is bring us closer to misery.

However, God tells you:

“Because in my eyes you were of great esteem, you were honorable, and I loved you; So I will give men for you, and nations for your life. " Isaiah 43: 4.

So make up your mind to love yourself as God loves you.

And the second is similar: You will love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:39.

 4 years ago 

This is a great article sir, we can't say we love God when we don't love ourselves and we can not say we love others when we can't love ourselves or God.

That was why Jesus gave the commandment which is Love of God, when we learn through the help of the Holy Spirit to love God, it will be easy to love ourselves which will help us to transfer that love to others.

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