Criteria for Membership in HeartChurch.

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Greetings and many blessings to all members of the HeartChurch community. I recently read a post on the HeartChurch virtual church blog, in which a list of brothers with formality of membership in the HeartChurch community was published. When reading the list I was very sad because I did not see myself reflected in the list. This led me to review my performance in the community and explore how I should strengthen my involvement in HeartChurch.

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After reading the membership listing I paused in reading the criteria that were used for the assignment of membership in HeartChurch.

2.-Support at all times.
5.-Promotion of contents.

Each criterion led me to internally reflect and sincere my participation in the community to reach the formalization of my membership.

Loyalty is very important, because it requires perseverance and firmness from each of us in fulfilling the commitments we have with the HeartChurch community. In this regard, I recognize that I must strengthen my perseverance regarding the purposes and scope of HeartChurch with the environment.

Action is essential in the planning carried out by the HeartChurch community and I must generate more commitment to participate in the action plans towards the community where we operate.

Two days ago our brother @elpastor recommended to us that we should activate our planning with the community and make known the Vision and Mission of the HeartChurch community in order to provide help to the community and project the image of the HeartChurch Ministry to reach souls for Christ.

In the next few days we will be holding another meeting with @elpastor to finalize the action plan.

Responsibility to HeartChurch is important, not just working for financial gain, but developing a sense of belonging with HeartChurch and committing to assigned tasks at HeartChurch.

Participation must be continuous and permanent, although the current pandemic situation must be considered, one must work wisely in social work in the community and be active in the various ways of projecting the HeartChurch ministry.

We were informed that most of the publications we make should be focused on projecting the HeartChurch Ministry, through its Vision, Mission, Telos and other aspects of interest.

I hope that in the future or according to the will of God I can be part of the membership in HeartChurch.

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