Constancy and perseverance for the achievement of membership in HeartChurch

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Being constant and persevering helps us to achieve the goal that we can set ourselves in life. Things never go perfectly the way we want them, especially when obstacles and challenges are presented along the way that could stop you from walking towards the goal.

After three years of walking the path of the first virtual church, I have received the pleasant news of my formalization as a member of the International HeartChurch Ministry. However, when you analyze the path traveled, you can think or say, it was not easy at all, only that the passion and love to preach Christ prompted me to maintain my firmness in what was initially Steemchurch, in order to receive my crown of membership, in what is today, HeartChurch.

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It all started in that first “Meetup” in 2018, organized by the apostle @darlenys01 in the city of Pto La Cruz-Venezuela. I remember that I attended that first “Meetup” with part of my family: @mamidalia, @dali13, @rypo01. In truth, I wanted to know this movement of the first virtual church on the Steemit platform, which was generating a very significant impact in the city of Cantaura.

At the meeting there were very important things and above all, the official presentation of the Steemchurch Ministry, which was the initial name of the ministry. There was a lot of attendance and I was able to meet in person the leader of Steemchurch-Venezuela, who at the time was the apostle @darlenys, who is a very respectful person and passionate about leadership in the ministry, which I had the opportunity to take a picture of myself with her.

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I remember that when the Meetup meeting ended, my family and I were so satisfied and happy that we soon began our work in the city of Cantaura in order to create a nucleus of the Steemchurch virtual church in our city.

The first thing my daughter @rypo01 did was organize a "Steemit Meetup" in the city of Cantaura which was attended by many Steemit users and the idea of ​​continuing to grow on the platform was raised with the opportunity to participate in the Ministry of the Steemchurch virtual church. A large part of the Steemit users who are Christians were interested in participating and in this way we formed the Steemchurch-Cantaura team.

This image shows the participants of the “Meetup in Cantaura” organized by my daughter @rypo01 and part of the brothers who are now part of the HeartChurch-Cantaura Ministry.

participantes meetu steemit.jpg

Things did not stop there, but after forming the Steemchuch-Cantaura team of brothers, a recreational and sports activity was organized in the city of Cantaura, in which the apostle @darlenys01 and his team that supports him in Steemchurch were present -Venezuela

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Unfortunately, with the critical situation in our country, Venezuela, some brothers from the city of Cantaura who are part of HeartChurch, left the country and others remain to this day. The atmosphere was declining with the pandemic situation and nevertheless, a group of brothers from the HeartChurch Ministry and the local church continued to lead some projects with the community, but that honestly requires a new impulse.

Most important of all, it is to highlight that the Steemit platform has taken a new momentum with the Tron-Steemit integration, which has awakened the motivation and interest of many brothers, who currently participate in various activities that are planned in Steemit through from the @steemitblog team.

I want to thank the following users who are part of the HeartChurch Ministry and who live in Cantaura for their constant support in the activities that are planned in conjunction with the local church, they are: @oscar20, @katty24, @marirodriguez, @enivelo, @calis20, @enderson49, @jacobbendice, @johalys48, @mamidalia, @dali13, @kimbi09, @gresy.

With God's favor, I hope that you will soon receive the formality of your membership in HeartChurch International Ministry.

Our commitment from the city of Cantaura is to continue supporting @sc-v in all the activities that are planned.

Soon we will be sharing some activities from Cantaura with the whole HeartChurc family. Blessings for all.

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Hermano, lo felicito por su constancia y perseverancia. Hay que seguir llevando el estandarte de Jesucristo mi en alto. Dios le bendiga y guarde

Amén, hermano. Bendiciones para tu vida y familia. Feliz noche.

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