in HeartChurch3 years ago

"Discipline is the ability to act in an orderly and persistent way to achieve a purpose. ... This value is fundamental and basic to be able to develop many other virtues, without discipline it is practically impossible to have strength and temperance in the face of adversities that arise every day"

Proverbs 13:24
Jesus said the following about discipline:
"He who restrains the punishment of his son hates, but he who loves him corrects him early on"

Discipline, more than punishment, is instruction and correction where standards of responsibility and goals are established from the age of childhood so that in adulthood people can achieve firm discipline in all areas of their lives, which will help them to form. fully in everything you undertake.

In this sense, the family plays a fundamental role in the formation of this value, which will allow them to strengthen their development, their attitudes and skills that they will develop throughout life.


In addition, the bible teaches us that God is a God of order
Therefore, discipline is a very fundamental value in every person to be able to carry out all their projects and overcome difficulties.

The discipline that the Bible speaks of encompasses much: guidance, instruction, teaching, censure, correction, and even punishment. However, in all cases, Jehovah's discipline is motivated by love, and its aim is to benefit the recipient; he never has the sole purpose of punishing.
(Biblical theological dictionary)

Discipline is a value in the human being who wants to persevere in his objectives, since for the person to find his goals, the first thing he must have is discipline in everything he does since other factors such as perseverance, responsibility among others will emerge.

As a social being you need discipline to grow and develop, you need discipline at home at school in your goals at work at a professional level in all areas of life it is important to develop discipline.



Greetings. Interesting message. It takes a lot of discipline to strengthen us in the midst of adversity. DTB

Indeed, discipline is needed in all areas of life in order to be able to work efficiently. We need it more especially in times like this so that we do not fall out with God.

Discipline is undispensible for a disciple of Christ. If we are call ourselves disciples and don't discipline ourselves then we are but disciples but backstabbers

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