Seasoning salt

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Matthew 5:13 “you are the salt of the earth. But if the salt becomes tasteless, how will it regain its flavor? It is no longer good for anything but for people to throw away and trample on.

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The Lord Jesus used several interesting comparisons to teach his disciples, in the Sermon on the Mount, he compared his followers to salt and light.

Of the light he says that if it does not illuminate the dark places, this can its purpose and its main characteristic that is to illuminate.
The same happens with salt: if it does not salt, season and persevere it is useless.

Salt has always been very important in history. In ancient times in addition to flavoring
Meals, used to preserve the food that the refrigerators invented, also became the salary of Roman soldiers. Also today we know that salt is essential for life. Without sodium our body cannot do many very important functions.

We the children of God are the salt of the earth thirsty for life and transformation. We live in an insipid and corrupt world. Christ who dwells in us is the life and the flavor that gives meaning to so many lost people.

We are salt that comes from God to give flavor to the world.
Just as we use salt to season food, we must allow ourselves to be used by bringing the love of God with its taste of heaven to all the people around us and we never stop salting. Because he who does not leave is useless.

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