In spite of us

in HeartChurch3 years ago

Judges 6: 6 “In this way Israel was greatly impoverished because of Midian; and the children of Israel cried out to Jehovah.

Imagen source

Israel the chosen people of God suffered at the hands of the Midianites at home for their disobedience to the Most High God for seven years, where they had to hide in caves and caves as they were attacked by the Midianites and Amalekites when they had sown.

When God determines to use us even in spite of ourselves, he does it, in spite of Gideon's youth and timidity, he managed to free the people of Israel from the hands of Midian, if he does so with us; When he fills us with his Holy Spirit, he dwells in us and is not a spirit of cowardice, it is one of love, power and dominion.
All of this changed since the people of Israel cried out to God.

Among the men of the town there was a young man named Gideon who the Lord appeared to him and said: Jehovah is with you, a mighty and courageous man, the Lord values ​​us differently from our personal opinion. Although Gideon was a shy young man, God saw him as a brave Warrior, because he knew what he was going to achieve through Gideon; despite the fact that the young man saw himself as weak and insignificant because he was focused on the situation that his people Israel lived through.

The Lord is a loving and patient Father despite the fact that Gideon, in the midst of his insecurity, asked him for proof that he was really the angel of Jehovah and then he feared when he verified that it was really him.

 3 years ago 

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