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RE: Crypto Academy Week 5 Homework Task Article for Professor @yohan2on | Topic: Understanding Decentralized Finance Part -2 [Topic 5] | MyEtherWallet (MEW)

Hi @loloy2020

Thanks for attending the 5th-week Crypto course and for your effort in doing the given homework task.

You have done excellent work.

Another feature of the MyEtherWallet App is connected to its Chrome Extension with the Web3 functionalities.

Glad to learn of this feature that enables one to connect their Meta Mask application to that of the web (Meta Mask chrome extension).

This is a great tutorial, thanks for taking us around the various features of Meta Mask. I believe many users have learnt plenty of things about Meta Mask through your tutorial.

One great feature of MyEtherWallet is their Education page in which all users can know more about Ethereum and Blockchain Technology.

This is also some unique aspect about Meta Mask. Thanks for highlighting it in your tutorial. The world we live in today, people still need to be educated about blockchain technology and crypto for mass Crypto adoption.

Homework task


Wow, thank you very much Prof. @yohan2on for such a good feedback to my homework task. I also learnt a lot exploring the Wallet.

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