HOME WORK TASK/Course 7 By @stream4u - Money Management & Portfolio Management..steemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago
  1. Discussed Money Management.

Money Management is the proper allocation of resources into other investments at the right time at the right place in order to avoid unnecessary loses.
Whether you have small or big capital does not matter because everyone with his or her earning pattern. What ever you think is small maybe big for someone else and for that matter any small quantity can be taken out for investments
Taking part in just one investment is not advisable because it not a good chose for any investor.
Fishing in just one side of the sea does not bring good catch always.
Therefore its advisable to put your capital into diverse investments/coins/assets etc.Do not invest in just one or two coins because you like that particular coins/investments.

  1. Future plan on your Money Management.

Its always good to have a future plan in everything one endeavors to do.
There is a saying if you fail to plan then you are planning to fail. Foresight is very important for success to come your way.
I have planned to manage my resource or capital in different ways. One venturing into just one things but investing in my money in different companies/investments etc.
I have released much potentials in cryptocurrencies therefore, I plan to push much of my capital into them.
I plan to invest in REAL ESTATE developments as well as private entities.
I have planned to invest my money into building my own empire, which is going to be a hit.
I have plans for this and the future is bright.

  1. Discussed Portfolio Management, if you have an investment and if it is okay with you then show portfolio and explore it briefly.

PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT in simple terms is the total collection of assets, which one has invested into.
It usually consists of 3-4 assets which one has invested his or her allocated resources/money purposely meant for that investments right time when an opportunity for buying occurs.

Above is the display of my portfolio, which I created in COINMARKETCAP. I didn’t have one so going through today's lesson I have released the importance of having a portfolio all thanks to yohan2on.
If you are a newbie and after this course will like to have a portfolio ofyour own, then you should follow the steps bellow.

1 visit any portfolio site like wazirX crypto exchange or coinmarketcap which I used

2 click on portfolio



Screenshot 2021-03-21 214420.png

4 select a coin and enter the quantity and current price at which you bought it.

Screenshot 2021-03-21 214449.png

5 Then done, my portfolio account after creation below

Screenshot 2021-03-21 230012.png

6 You can add as many coins as you wish too. use the step below
click on add transactions....


7 then add the coins you wish to add

Screenshot 2021-03-19 202358.png

  1. Future Plan on your Portfolio Management.

I plan on adding more coins to my portfolio. I will make effective research on potential coins and add them especially the small capital ones. More of money will be invested in Large CAPITALS as well as small capitals so in case I lose in the SMALL CAPITAL investments, the LARGE CAPITAL is a backup plan.
I will also be aiming at maximizing profit out of my current portfolio in the near future. Trading of cryptocurrency will be my major goal so for that matter needs a good profit-making portfolio.
That way I can determine good profit making coins and invest more into them.

  1. When was the last investment failed and Why? (those who have experienced this can provide views.)

My last investment was in Ponzi scheme platform and failed drastically , everything was lost because the site just closed down unexpectedly, it was a shocking one because I had put all my trust in it. Cryptocurrency can not fail like that. Its because of the increase number of members and lack of new member not coming onboard in order to generate money to pay old members.
It’s a system that pays members with members money, new members investments pays old members.
So when the pyramid becomes too high at the top then paying everyone becomes a problem.
Then it will eventually fall

  1. Conclusion.

Its always good to plan for our future when it comes to money/financial resources. That way you can coop with the pressure that comes along with old age and adult hood.
Paying bills and other essential needs.
Therefore proper money management will put you ahead financially.
Investing in diverse source can help prevent huge loses that’s why one needs a portfolio to manage his or her assets effectively.
This weeks task is one of a kind ,lots have been learnt from this task.
Thank you.


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