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RE: Concurso Steemit Crypto Academy / S11W01 - El ciclo de las emociones del mercado.

I just finished reading your blog post about the cycle of market emotions in the cryptocurrency world. However, I noticed a couple of points that might need some clarification.

First, when you talked about ICO, you mentioned it as the "Inter-governmental Organization representing majority Muslim member states." I believe there might be a mix-up here. ICO, in the context of the crypto world, stands for "Initial Coin Offering," where new cryptocurrencies are offered to investors to raise funds for a project.

Secondly, regarding Cryptosis, you mentioned it as the "loss of access to cryptocurrencies due to factors like forgetting passwords or getting hacked." While these are certainly relevant concerns, the term "Cryptosis" itself doesn't seem to be commonly used in this context in crypto community. Cryptosis refers to that never-ending thirst for cryptocurrency knowledge. If you're constantly talking about cryptocurrency and always engrossed in it, people might say you've caught "Cryptosis".

I just wanted to point out these small hiccups, but overall, your blog post was packed with valuable information and insights. I really appreciate your effort in sharing your knowledge with the community. Good luck in the contest! 😊


Thank you for your insightful feedback on my blog post! You are absolutely right about the mix-up with ICO, and I apologize for the error. I appreciate the clarification on Cryptosis as well. Your input is valuable, and I'm glad you found the post informative overall. Thank you for your good wishes, and I'll make sure to correct the mentioned points. 😊

  • Note:
    I understand that there was an error in translating "ICO" from English to Spanish as "OIC," and I apologize for the confusion. Also, the term "cryptosis" seems to have a different meaning in Spanish, leading to misinterpretation. It's true that translations may not always be perfect. I appreciate your understanding.

No worries, my friend. Translation errors happen to the best of us. 😄

My friend according to what you point out in relation to the term "cryptosis". It is a psychological issue that does not let everything related to the crypto world out of the mind and the person is always talking about it or investigating the smallest detail or the new thing that arises in the crypto market.

Yes, of course, “cryptosis” can be considered a psychological issue.

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