Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2: Week 8 | HASHGRAPH TECHNOLOGY BY @pelon53


Hello guys welcome to another week in the steemit crypto academy. Am glad to be able to participate in this course @pelon53 this course is all about new technology that can offer great benefits to the financial ecosystem and to the world in general.

Lets get started:



Explain in detail the Gossip protocol, used in Hashgraph.

Before we start let me just brief you on the meaning of HASHGRAPH base on @ pelon53 lecture he said;
HASHGRAPH is a decentralized consensus technology or algorithm, which is part of the so called 3rd generation crypto project. It is considered a great competition of blockchain technology.


Gossip protocol is a specific type of P2P (peer-to-peer) communication that takes place between computer and other digital devices. Which is the transmission system. The hash graph works more efficiently with this protocol that the proof of work (PoW) and proof of stake(PoS). The gossip protocol serves as the communicating body passing information from users fast and dependable through the nodes,from one computer to another computer.

It's just like the P2P Trading in blockchain that make users communicate with one another to make a transaction with one another. Here the gossip protocol do the work in HASHGRAPH but it serves as a communication chanel.

Gossip protocol communication take place on hashgraph when information is broadcasted from one computer to another until it is eventually spread all across the system.

There are two main types of gossip protocol which are :

  • Information Dissemination
  • Information Aggregation.

The hashgraph uses the information aggregation. The nose of a hashgraph network gather and summarize information about transaction and other events and spread this data to other neighbor nodes that are choosen randomly. So instead of building a chain of block, the hashgraph network builds a tree of events where all information is recorded.
Reference from binance academy

Explain Tolerance to Byzantine Faults in Hashgraph.

The tolerance to Byzantine fault means how many nodes can the network tolerate acting dishonestly but still come to an honest consensus.

The word Byzantine fault tolerance is derived from the Byzantine Generals' problem.
The question he asked was how can a distributed networks of computer nodes agree on a decision, if some of the noses are likely to fail or act dishonestly?.

The Byzantine Generals'problem is logic dilemma that illustrates how a group of Byzantine Generals' may have communication problems when trying to agree on their next move.

In a few words, Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) is the property of a system that is able to resist the class of failures derived from the Byzantine Generals’ Problem. This means that a BFT system is able to continue operating even if some of the nodes fail or act maliciously.

There is more than one possible solution to the Byzantine Generals’ Problem and, therefore, multiple ways of building a BFT system. Likewise, there are different approaches for a blockchain to achieve Byzantine fault tolerance and this leads us to the so-called consensus algorithms.

The Byzantine fault tolerance is used to solve failure problem In the nodes when commutating in hashgraph. It help in efficiency and solve the problem of the hashgraph network. The Byzantine fault tolerance in hashgraph makes all users agree on a decision in order to execute it in coordination.source

If the nodes carry out communication from computer to computer are not it consensus then there will be failure in the hashgraph network that why the tolerance to Byzantine fault is introduce for corporation in the nodes which leads to efficiency and make the network reliable.

The hashgraph network has nodes that acts like the Byzantine Generals' in the hypothetical situation.
These nodes must come to agreement, or consensus on things like data transmission, transaction submitted on the network and state of the network. So not only do the nodes need to be able to communicate, in order to achieve their end goal of consensus, but they also need to account for some nodes being malicious.
They have to trust. And some nodes acts dishonestly on the network. This sometimes make coming to an consensus or agreement difficult on the network.

The Byzantine fault tolerance means the honest nodes of the hashgraph network is guaranteed to agree on the timing and order of a set of transaction or information. Not considering the dishonest nodes that is trying to prevent the consensus.
Reference from

Make a comparison between Hashgraph Vs Blockchain, for a voting process in your country. Which technology would you choose? Why?
1: The blockchain network is able to offer a transparent and inflexible record of transportation with decentralized control but cannot handle a large volume of transaction that are performed across the world every minute.Hashgraph does not have scalability issues and can process large volume of transaction in seconds.
2: Blockchain does not rely on a single approach to consensus. Depending on the currency and cryptograph blockchain uses many consensus algorithm such as PoW,PoS and others.Hashgraph uses a process called gossip protocol to overcome the bandwidth issue with voting algorithms. It is based on asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance which provide an improved model of DLT by giving solution to many established cryptocurrency platform.
3: Blockchain uses cryptographic method to ensure security. The digital block in the chain cannot be tampered and there is no malicious nodes that can change the integrity of the dataHashgraph uses the asynchronous Byzantine fault tolerance approach where Hedera hashgraph assumes that there will be bad nodes.

Hashgraph does not relief on blocks so it is 100% efficient unlike blockchain. when it comes to to speed of transaction hashgraph can record up to 500,000 transaction per second while btc record 100- 10,000 transaction per second.
Reference from.

Base on the above differences which is better for the voting system of my country.
The blockchain is not beneficial for my country voting system because. The encryption method in blockchain assumes that the votes will be permanently public. Someone can hack into blockchain and control the votes .as we know blockchain can handle large number of transaction so it will only be able to small voters population.

It can handle the large amount of information generated by the voters in the general voting. Everything will be public including receiving of ballot system an encrypted information can make the election be systematically manipulated. A voter can also vote more than one time leading to double voting. Blockchain have not been able to fundamental issues withe online voting. Reference from

Explore Hedera Hashgraph show screenshots.

Hedera is the most used enterprise-grade public network for you to make your digital world exactly as it should be yours. HBAR is the native, energy-efficient economy. Hedera goes beyond blockchain for developers to create the next era of fast, fair and secure application.
After clicking on the link I was directed to the page this is the first image I saw, the front page.

To explore more on the features of the site you click on the three bar as seen in the picture below
Then it will show all the features as seen below

The features are

  • Network
  • Devs
  • Use Cases
  • HBAR
  • Governance

So let's check one by one what's in the following listed features first Network

Network also has its own features

  • Services and
  • Information

Services are divided into two
Token services this enables the configuration, minting and management of fungible and non- fungible tokens on Hedera without needing to set up and deploy a smart contract.
Consensus Services makes it easier to stream data to the network. Each massage delivered is verified and ordered, providing transparent traceability and tamper- proof records to the apps and system.

Then information is all about how it worked the explorers and it's dashboard.
In the dashboard I found the transaction volume the record is displayed there

Then the consensus finally record is also displayed

ThenThen the total accounts on Hedera network

Then I move to DEVS you will all the branches in of this feature in the screenshot below


The next feature is for the users


The next feature on is HBAR it's carries the branches of overview, account creation and wallet &exchanges

The next feature is governance showing the body controlling it . This are the list of organization governing Hedera or patterning with Hedera



The last but not the list is about Hedera all you need to know about them is here.


Hashgraph technology is a very efficient technology fast, fair and secure. It support the gossip protocol which is in the data transmission system.
CC @pelon53

 3 years ago (edited)

Gracias por participar en Steemit Crypto Academy:

Todo debe ser escrito con tus propias palabras, no puedes copiar y pegar. El trabajo es tuyo, no es hacerlo con puras referencias.

Escala de Estimación.Puntaje.Observación
Protocolo Gossip.0.0Usó referencias y no sus propias palabras.
Tolerancia a Fallas Bizantinas.0.0Usó referencias y no sus propias palabras.
Hashgraph Vs Blockchain (proceso de votación).0.5Usa referencias constantemente
Explore Hereda Hashgraph.2.0Explicó bien Hereda Hashgrpah
Originalidad0.0No fue original.
Presentación/cumplimiento de reglas.0.5Debe mejorar en hacer sus publicación con sus propias palabras.

Espero seguir leyendo tus publicaciones.

Calificación: 3.0

I reference all my point that not plagiarism check it well I will like to call the attention of
Please help me check this post because I put all my source

La idea no es que pongas las referencias, es que tienes que hacer tu trabajo con tus propias palabras, no copiar y pegar y referenciar.


Okay I understand your point now but you don't have to tag my post as a plagiarized post because it's not you can give me 0 I don't care but you just have to change the review because I cite all my source

It's only a copied post without link that can be tagged as a plagiarized post but I clearly state all my source you can just say originality 0

Ok, revisado.

Thanks for the review will do better next time

I will try make the post original next time

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

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