Steemit Crypto Academy Season 2, Week 1 || Decentralized and Centralized system , Advantages & Disadvantages and which one is best for business?||by@suboohi

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!!

Hope you all are good and enjoying your lives. I'm inviting you to review my homework for season 2 week#1 given by @yousafharoonkhan. The professor explained his lecture very well. My homework is given.



Home Work Week 1

Question no 1 :
Write the definition of Decentralization and Centralization in your own words. Explain these two systems in your own words.




The system in which each and every individual has the power to make decisions for their own right is termed as Decentralized system. Their Power and decision-making is independent and not controlled by a single individual /organisation / group, in this way every individual involved in that system or blockchain has the power of decision-making. So we can say that each unit in this system is considered important in a Decentralization system.


The above picture of decentralization shows that there is no single owner but comprises of many blocks and each block would be considered as owner at any level and they making a chain. This Chain is blocked chain of decentralized system.
This modern system is exists after computer advancements thus many blocks (users) connected and made blocked chain.



The system in which the authority and decisions are controlled by the higher authorities is termed as Centralized system or centralization. This system is connected to a single authority or center and that control all the rules and regulations and decisions are with an individual or a group.


All individuals or entities are not connected connected to a centralized system . Or simply we can say that , a centralized system works opposite to a decentralized system.

We can say that in centerlized system authorities concern to center, means all decisions and rights are in the hands of the top authority of that centerlized organization .

Question no 2 :

Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization system Or Compare both in own words.




If we compare decentralized with centralized, it becomes clear that there is a big difference between the two systems.

Decision making :

In decentralized system every block /unit can take decision of their own. While in centralized
system all decisions are made by high authorities.

Flow of information :

It is open and free for all units in decentralized system while it's vertical in centralized system.

decision making speed:

In decentralized system the speed of decisions making is significantly fast where as in Centralized system its speed is slow.

ideal for:

Decentralized systems are ideal for large sized companies while Centralized system are best for small sized companies.

employees motivation :

Employees of decentralized system are more highly motivated than the employees of Centralized system.

burden :

Burden of system get shared at many levels in decentralized systems. In Centralized system always one group get the burden.

stability :

Decentralized systems are prone to instability due to multiple conflicting decisions while Centralized system are stable as one decision from central authority.

Question no 3 :

Write five Advantages and five Disadvantages of decentralized and centralized system.

Advantages ofcentralized system :



* better command:

As Centralized system has all power to the center authority, so commands given to the system from there and system run accordingly to the main power of authority. This make the system stable and strong.

* focus on vision :

The main center authority can check all units, and have the total control over the system, so have better focus on vision of the system.

* proper coordination :

In Centralized system they all know from where the cammand come, and to whom we have to submit the report it makes the proper coordination in system.

* cost efficiency :

As all units has their own functions as all decisions are from center authority, so there is no need of extra unit to check the system so it increases the cost efficiency.

* enhance the work quality :

As the tolal control of the system is in one hand and all have to obey them. By great leadership in this system can enhance the work quality of system.

disadvantages of Centralized system :



* slow down the operation :

In Centralized system decisions are taken from high management and given to their staff, it top managers or any of staff is not available so there will be delay in the operation system.

* overburden on top management :

All decisions and planning are made by single top unit would laid out burden on top authority. They mainly engage in all this and so unable to concentrate to expand and grow their business.

* Reduces Scope for Specialization:

In Centralized system all plans and decisions made by the top authorities and a single person can't be specialized in all aspects alone, so in this organization there is lack of special persons for supervision as well as in management.

* discouraged initiative :

As all subordinate have to obey the instructions given by main authorities so subordinate can't give their suggestions or input.

* poor communication :

As in this system subordinate have to follow the instructions, so their suggestions and feedback are least attended by top management.

Advantages of decentralized system :

* quick and better decision :

In this system every block can take decision without any concern of high authority. So quick decision are made.

* less burden on top management :

As decisions can be made by every unit so top management has less burden and they can concentrate on expanding and growth of organization.

* improved communication :

In this system everyone has right to give suggestions or plans it increases the communication with in organization.

* executive appointed in organization :

In this system development of executive make the communication better with in organization and it reduces the bureaucracy.

Disadvantages of decentralized system :

* loss of control :

As all units are independent so they start working in their interest, instead in contrast of interest of organization. It resulted the loss of top management to the organization.

* misuse of authority :

Many times lower level of management do work in their interest and they don't handle the authority with dignity.

* increases the cost :

In this system administration expense increases due to duplicate management in various departments of organizations.

* larger interest of organization neglected :

As every unit do work on their interest so larger interest of organization are some time neglected.

* conflict decision :

Every unit make decision of their own interests so it produces many conflict decisions in organizations.

Question no 4 :

Which one is better for Business/trading and why? (write in own words)

Before joining any one system we have to check the marits of both systems and what kind of work you are going to start and the time frame.
To run a business successfully we have to have the knowledge of both systems.
In my opinion if an organization is in samall sized, it should adopt the Centralized system. Then the top authority has fully command over the organization. It also has low expense to the management. The orders are uni directional and top management can control their subordinates.

Question no 5 :

How do you know if a blockchain is decentralized or not? You can describe any method, but in your own words.

To find the blockchain is Centralized or Decentralized I will follow the steps which was taught by professor.

Step 1:

  • go to Google search and type Ethere scan and search it.




Open the site and paste the company token contact address.



Now I'm going to check houbi token is Decentralized or not, so I will paste it's contact address that is




Now click the option contract and we get comment


step 5:

Last step, now check Contract Source Code (Solidity) below in coding, area


The function destruct was not seen in coding area which means Huobi is a decentralized protocol.

Conclusion :

There are many advantages and disadvantages of decentralized system to Centralized system. Before going to start financing we must have the knowledge of both systems,so compared them with the Marit, time frame of your investment to start business successfully.

Thanks for reviewing.
Special thanks to @yousafharoonkhan



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