SEC S16-W3 Steem’s Potential in the Bull Run .

(Assalamu- Alaikum) "Peace be upon You"

Blessed to contribute to an exciting exploration of Steem's potential against the exciting backdrop of the cryptocurrency bull market of 2024! Thanks to the community administration team for making the contest open to all with timely and effective questions.

SEC S16-W3 Steem’s Potential in the Bull Run I invite some of the skilled users I know to participate in this contest. "Honorable Mentions:@patjewell @hotspotitaly @graceleon 🙏

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Been involved with the Steemit platform for over three years. Today I am going to share with you the knowledge gained at different times about work requirements. Without further ado, I'm going into the question-and-answer phase of the contest.


1st task: Considering the current cryptocurrency bull market, what are your specific predictions for the price and performance of the Steem token by the end of 2024? What are the key factors you considered in developing this forecast, and how might these influence Steem's trajectory in the cryptocurrency landscape this year?



We should dive into the Steem token and its possible execution in 2024. Remember that cryptographic money markets are intrinsically unpredictable, and expectations are liable to change in view of different elements.

Current Steem Overview:

  • Steem is a blockchain stage where clients can procure compensations for making and consuming substance. It boosts local area interest through digital currency rewards.

  • Established in 2016 by Daniel Larimer and Ned Scott, Steem doesn't depend on an ICO; all things considered, it rewards content makers and perusers with STEEM tokens.

  • Steem expects to engage clients internationally, including makers, custodians, purchasers, bloggers, and perusers.

Value Predictions:

  • At this point, the constant STEEM to USD cost remains at $0.21.

  • Our latest gauge proposes that by February 6, 2024, the worth of STEEM might increment by 6.92%**, coming to roughly $0.229.

Different forecasts fluctuate:

  • expects a greatest cost of $0.3705 and a normal of $0.3346 toward the finish of 2024.

  • CoinCodex predicts a cost of $0.326405 by March 8, 2024, with a bullish feeling and a Extreme Greed index.

Factors Affecting Steem's Trajectory:Market Sentiment: Financial backer feeling assumes a significant part. Positive news, reception, and local area commitment can support certainty.

Reception and Use Cases: Expanded reception by satisfied makers, organizations,
furthermore, stages can drive interest for STEEM.

In synopsis, while Steem's cost expectations fluctuate, its direction will rely upon reception, mechanical headways, and in general market feeling. Likewise with any venture, exhaustive exploration and chance appraisal are pivotal.

Screenshot from trading view


2nd task: What technical indicators do you currently recommend to assess the upward trend of the Steem token in the cryptocurrency markets, and why are these indicators relevant in the current context?



Certainly! While surveying the vertical pattern of the Steem (STEEM) token in the digital money showcases, a few specialized markers can give important experiences. We should investigate a portion of these pointers and their pertinence:

Moving Midpoints (MA):

  • Moving midpoints are generally utilized in pattern examination. They compute normal costs throughout unambiguous time spans, streamlining cost changes.
  • Straightforward Moving Midpoints (SMA): In view of a decent number of periods, SMAs give a standard normal. They assist with distinguishing pattern inversions when more limited SMAs cross longer ones.
  • Outstanding Moving Midpoints (EMA): EMAs give more weight to ongoing periods, intently following cost changes. They are helpful for distinguishing transient patterns.
  • Relevance: By noticing moving normal hybrids, dealers can detect potential pattern changes and decide backing and obstruction levels.

Relative Strength List (RSI):

  • RSI estimates the strength and speed of cost developments. It sways somewhere in the range of 0 and 100.

  • Overbought (RSI > 70): Shows a possible inversion descending.

  • Oversold (RSI < 30): Proposes a possible vertical inversion.

  • Relevance: RSI recognizes overbought or oversold conditions, supporting timing passage or exit points.

Bollinger Bands:

  • Bollinger Groups comprise of three lines: the center (SMA), upper (SMA + 2 standard deviations), and lower (SMA - 2 standard deviations).
Screenshot from Binance
  • Relevance: At the point when cost contacts the upper band, it might flag overbought conditions, while contacting the lower band recommends oversold conditions.


3rd task: Explain in detail the fundamental characteristics of the Steem blockchain that could contribute to its success in a cryptocurrency bull market. How does Steem's underlying technology stand out from other projects?



Certainly! We should investigate the central qualities of the Steem (STEEM) blockchain and how they add to its possible achievement, particularly during a digital money positively trending market:

Compensating Content Creators:

  • Steem is intended to enable substance makers by remunerating them straightforwardly for their commitments.
  • Clients who make and offer substance on Steem-based stages (like Steemit) get cryptographic money prizes as STEEM tokens.
  • This model flips the conventional web-based entertainment worldview where stages benefit from client produced content while makers get nothing.

Prompt Income Streams:

  • Steem empowers quick income streams for clients. At the point when they post content, remark, or curate, they acquire STEEM rewards.
  • Dissimilar to other blockchains, where adaptation might take time, Steem's quick exchange handling guarantees quick rewards.

Quick and Scalable:

  • Steem stands apart because of its speed and versatility.
  • Free Transactions: Astute data transmission assignment permits free exchanges, making it savvy for clients.
  • Quick Transactions: Handling happens at regular intervals, guaranteeing constant connections.
  • Worked to Scale: Steem is the just blockchain equipped for dealing with social applications at scale.

Local area Driven Approach:

  • Steem encourages networks by boosting commitment.
  • Clients become partners, keeping up with command over their information and procuring rewards.
  • This people group driven model energizes dynamic support and growth.

Genuine Applications through Friendly Apps:

  • Steem drives true applications through friendly stages like Steemit, where clients can make, share, and lock in.
  • Not at all like numerous blockchains, Steem is pragmatic for application improvement because of its speed and low exchange costs.

Stablecoin Endeavor with Steem Dollars (SBD):

  • Steem Dollars (SBD) expect to make a stablecoin inside the Steem organization.
  • In an unstable crypto market, SBD gives solidness to clients, upgrading usability.

Easy to use Ecosystem:

  • Steem-based applications take special care of different interests:
    • Steemit: A social writing for a blog stage.
    • eSteem: A portable application based on Steem.
    • DTube: A decentralized video stage.
  • More than 1 million clients are as of now connected to the Steem blockchain, making a dynamic ecosystem.
Easy to use Ecosystem.png
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In rundown, Steem's mix of remunerating content makers, versatility, and certifiable applications positions it particularly in the crypto scene. Its emphasis on local area strengthening and quick rewards makes it a fascinating task, particularly during bullish economic situations.


4th task: How has the actual adoption and usage of the Steem blockchain by users and applications evolved recently? How might these factors influence the continued growth of the Steem token in a cryptocurrency bull market?



We should investigate the new development of Steem reception and use, alongside its possible effect on the steem token's development during a digital currency positively trending market:

Steem Blockchain Overview:

  • Steem is a blockchain stage intended for online entertainment applications and content adaptation.

  • It coordinates a financial layer into web-based entertainment administrations, permitting clients to procure digital currency awards for their commitments.

  • Steem works as the hidden blockchain, while stages like Steemit use it for content creation and engagement.

Witnesses and Social Impact:

  • In Steem, witnesses assume a significant part. These diggers are chosen by clients to approve exchanges and keep up with the organization.

  • Social Perception: Witnesses have both positive and negative social effects. Their conversations rotate around Steem, Steemit, and different stages facilitated on Steem.

  • A few observers contribute essentially, while others might confront criticism.

Blockchain Properties:

  • Speed and Scalability: Steem processes exchanges like clockwork, guaranteeing ongoing connections. Its versatility takes into account social applications at scale.

  • Free Transactions: Clients benefit from free exchanges because of wise data transmission distribution.

  • Local area Centric: Steem cultivates networks, engaging clients as stakeholders.

Content Monetization:

  • Steem's center advancement lies in remunerating content makers straightforwardly.
  • Clients posting, remarking, or arranging content acquire STEEM tokens.
  • Prompt income streams put Steem aside from customary web-based entertainment models.

Genuine Applications by means of Steemit:

  • Steemit, based on Steem, empowers genuine applications.
  • Clients make, share, and connect through Steemit, procuring rewards.
  • This pragmatic use case upgrades Steem's adoption.

Stablecoin Endeavor with Steem Dollars (SBD):

  • Steem Dollars (SBD) expect to give strength inside the environment.
  • In unpredictable crypto markets, SBD offers strength for clients, possibly drawing in more participants.

In a digital currency buyer market, these variables can drive STEEM's development:

  • Expanded Adoption: As additional clients join Steem-based stages, interest for STEEM might rise.
  • Content Creators: Remunerating content makers draws in cooperation, particularly during bullish patterns.
  • Market Sentiment: Positive feeling can support STEEM's worth.
  • Innovative Upgrades: Proceeded with advancement upgrades Steem's allure.
Blockchain source

Be that as it may, chances remain, including market instability and rivalry. Intensive examination and hazard evaluation are fundamental for financial backers.


5th task: Considering the current cryptocurrency bull market, what are your specific predictions for the price and performance of the Steem token by the end of 2024? What are the key factors you considered in developing this forecast, and how might these influence Steem's trajectory in the cryptocurrency landscape this year?



How about we investigate how the Steem token positions itself contrasted with other comparable undertakings and recognize key market patterns urgent for its prosperity:

Steem versus Hive:

  • Background: Steem was made in 2016 to control Steemit, a social writing for a blog stage compensating content makers with STEEM tokens. In any case, a corporate takeover by TRON prompted local area discontent.

  • Hive Fork: Accordingly, the Steem people group forked into Hive, a new blockchain intended for most extreme decentralization. Hive intends to battle centralization and boost local area governance.

  • Differences:

    • Centralization versus Decentralization: Steem had incorporated control because of TRON's obtaining, while Hive stresses decentralization.

    • Tokens: Steem utilizes STEEM, Steem Power (SP), and Steem Dollars (SBD). Hive has Endlessly hive upheld dollars (HBD).

    • Exchanges: Steem tokens are accessible on many trades, while Hive tokens are restricted to a few.

Market Patterns for Steem's Success:

  • Local area Engagement: Dynamic support by satisfied makers and perusers is crucial. A flourishing local area drives reception and request.

  • Mechanical Upgrades: Proceeded with advancement, versatility upgrades, and developments improve Steem's allure.

  • Market Sentiment: Positive opinion supports STEEM's worth. News, organizations, and reception assume a part.

  • Content Monetization: Compensating content makers straightforwardly draws in clients. Steem's exceptional model separates it.

  • Stablecoin Integration: Steem Dollars (SBD) give steadiness. In unstable business sectors, SBD can improve usability.

Long haul Considerations:

  • Competition: Steem contends with other virtual entertainment and content-centered blockchains. Its special elements will decide its situation.

  • Administrative Environment: Clearness on guidelines influences financial backer certainty and market elements.

  • By and large Crypto Trends: General market patterns, bull or bear cycles, and macroeconomic elements influence all digital forms of money.

In synopsis, Steem's people group driven approach, genuine applications, and spotlight on happy makers position it remarkably. Proceeded with improvement, positive feeling, and reception will be urgent for its progress in both short and long terms.

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Thanks for reading the Post

The End



Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


If only we had crystal balls!

Thank you, it is an honor to be called a "skilled user." I must, however, disappoint you. When it comes to crypto and trading, I am not skilled. I am still learning. For weeks now, I've been reading the posts of Steemians, but it still all feels like Greek to me.

One thing I can relate to is the emotions behind trading, as my hubby is a trader. Maybe that is what is hindering me from getting too involved. (•ิ‿•ิ)

I enjoyed your post, thank you!
Fingers crossed for those green candles to reach the top all the way.🤞🏻

I have learned a lot about Steemit details from your post madam. I am grateful to you. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed my post. Thank you for a nice comment.

Awh it is wonderful to read that you've benefit from my post.

As for the comment, the pleasure was all mine. ☕

In your post you have briefly talk about Historical trend of steem coin that but it has been in the past and especially around halving of Bitcoin which I really like as well as well explain factors associated with the pump and dump of STEEM are also well explained.

I wish you good luck in this challenge

Thank you very much for your valuable comments. I am inspired by your comments.

You have clearly mentioned the qualities that makes the block chain stand apart from others. Among the things mentioned was scalability and transaction speed per second.

These among other things makes it very unique additionally it reward mechanism and content creation and sharing have led to very high adoption by users In the crypto world.

The market sentiment is also very key in how fast the price of steem token moves up.

Your writeup is interesting. Wishing you the best in this contest.

Much obliged to you for your smart remark! I value your bits of knowledge on blockchain innovation and its novel highlights. To be sure, versatility and exchange speed are pivotal angles that put blockchain aside from customary frameworks. The award instruments and content creation/sharing abilities have without a doubt added to the far and wide reception of digital forms of money, including Steem.

Market opinion assumes a significant part in the crypto world. It can impel costs up or prompt amendments. The elements of supply, request, and financial backer opinion all interlace to impact token costs.

I'm happy you found my writeup fascinating! All the best to you.

Steemit is made back in 2016. Yes that's true. You say Steem is a blockchain stage where clients can procure compensations for making and consuming substance. Yes that's true here the Blockchain system works. According to you the future of STEEM is very bright. I agree with you too because Steemit has a too much active community.

You are using some beautiful indicators; moving average, Bollinger Bands and Relative Strength List (RSI) include in it. This is very true that these indicators give us much perfection. Along with these you have beautifully explained the fundamentals of steem here. Your post is sublime.

Wish you get succeeded in this contest friend.

Much thanks to you for your insightful remark! I value your bits of knowledge about Steemit and its dynamic local area. For sure, Steem's blockchain stage gives a fascinating way to clients to procure compensations through happy creation and utilization.

Concerning the specialized investigation pointers, they can to be sure upgrade how we might interpret market elements. The moving normal, Bollinger Groups, and RSI are significant devices for surveying patterns, unpredictability, and possible section or leave focuses in exchanging. I'm happy you found their consideration supportive!

With respect to basics of Steem, getting a handle on the hidden innovation and local area dynamics is fundamental. A very much educated approach can prompt better independent direction.


Happy fasting bro!.. I'm thrilled to be reading from your entry today.
While reading I was able to learn about the steemit founders and the expect value to reach by the end of 2024.

The stable coin adoption is one of the main reasons steem is able to outshine which can really help investors to utilize this voin.

Content rewards is also the key factor as steem curate content at birth unlike other platforms who rely on ads..

Thanks for sharing

Waalaikumsalam! Much thanks to you for your benevolent words and Ramadan wishes! I'm happy you found my entrance enlightening.

For sure, Steemit's originators and their vision play had a pivotal impact in molding the stage. Concerning the normal worth of Steem toward 2024, it's an intriguing point's end. The steady coin reception is to be sure a critical variable, giving security and utility to financial backers.

Furthermore, you're totally correct content prizes are a unique advantage. Steem's remarkable way to deal with organizing content all along separates it from stages that depend exclusively on advertisements.

Hello friend,

You have presented the positive aspects of the platform that will play a vital role in the price elevation of the Steem coin. The overall Market Conditions are saying that the price will rush towards the upward side and the BTC halving event will add fuel to the fire. So, we can expect a good year 2024 for the Steem coin.

Good luck with this entry.

Hello! Much thanks to you for your quick remark. Seeing your hopefulness about Steem's future is perfect. For sure, the positive perspectives you referenced, alongside the general economic situations and the impending BTC splitting occasion, establish an ideal climate for Steem. Hopefully for a prosperous 2024 for Steem and its local area!

I value your kind words, and I hope everything works out for you also.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.029
BTC 66254.46
ETH 3319.59
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69