Steemit cryptoacademy homework task for @yousafharoonkhan | Centralised and Decentralised social media platforms

in SteemitCryptoAcademy3 years ago (edited)

Hey steemians how all of you are doing , hope a of you are doing fine both physically and mentally , so in this post I will be taking about the centralised and decentralised social media platforms and giving the answers of question asked by @yousafharoonkhan.

Write the definition of Decentralized and Centralized Social Media Platforms in your own words.Explain in your own words the difference between decentralization and centralization Social Media Platforms.

  • Centralised social media platforms:

Centralised social media platforms are the platforms that are being controlled by the central authority that include the higher ups of that platform or the makers of that platform . So if you are at a platform that is controlled by the higher ups and the makers it's for sure that you won't be free to do anything you want at that platform , there won't be any privacy and security of your account ,you won't have full authority of your account as your account can be blocked any time for raising your voice. You have to stick to the rules and regulations of that platform.

Ex : Instagram , twitter etc.

  • Decentralized social media platforms:

Decentralized social media platforms are the platforms that are not being controlled by any of the higher ups or the makers of that platforms , every user has it's own value at the platforms . So if the platform is not being controlled by anyone, it gives us the freedom to share our thoughts and feelings with others without any restrictions, there won't be any security breach and your data will be safe , no privacy issues , you will have full authority of your account as you can share your thoughts about anything and your account will not get blocked for that . Decentralized social media platforms provided freedom , security and privacy to its users .

Ex: Steemit

  • Difference between centralised and decentralized social media platforms:
Control of platform : platform is controlled by the central authority or the higher ups of the platform.Control of platform : platform is not controlled by anyone , users have the full control.
Security of data : Data is not secure as the power is in the hands of the higher ups and they can see your data and use it . Ex : There is a new update on whatsapp that is said can send your data to other apps .Security of data : Your data will remain secure as no one can see or use our data for their personal benefits .
Privacy : If your data is not safe in a centralised social media platform , then it will lead to a privacy breach ,they can use your personal information as a leverage upon you .Privacy : if your data is safe in decentralized social media platforms, then there won't be any privacy issue with your account , you can rely on that platform for your privacy .
Freedom of expression : You can express your thoughts but if they don't met with the rules and regulations or guidelines with the centralised social media platforms , your account can get blocked , your account can get suspended for some time or may be the post you shared to express your views or thoughts can get deleted .Freedom of expression : You can express yourself or can present your thoughts whatever you feel in the decentralized social media platforms as these platforms are not getting controlled by anyone you have the freedom to share the thoughts and views of your own .
Reliability : As there isn't any security of data and privacy I don't think centralised social media platforms are reliable .Reliability : As there is security of data and your privacy is maintained , decentralized social media platforms are reliable ones .
Independence : You have to stick to rules and regulations or guidelines of the centralised social media platforms, that restrict your freedom and makes you less independent.Independence : You don't have to abide to rules or regulation , you have freedom to post whatever you want or like that makes it an independent platform .

Which One is The Future of Social media ? Decentralized or centralized Social media

  • Every social media platform has its limitation whether it is a centralised social media platform or a decentralized social media platform , so it will be very difficult to choose between them , but if I were to choose I would choose a platform which provides security ,freedom and privacy like decentralized social media platform and provides with some rules made by govt in order to not spread hate or bad or pornograpghic content as in centralised social media platforms and I think that platform will be the future of social media .
Features that I want from decentralized social media platformsFeatures that I want from centralised social media platforms
Security of data , Privacy , Freedom of expressionThe feature that I want from centralised system that the government or higher ups must made some rules for the users by which they won't be able to spread hate or pornograpghic content at the platforms.

Well as I told that decentralized platforms provide you safety, privacy and freedom but there are some people who might get advantage of freedom and can start some bad work from the decentralised social media platforms which might leads to the danger of existence of that platform, so there must be a rule or regulation and guidelines for the people that stop people from doing bad work on the platform and their freedom doesn't get compromised too .

You have seen a lot of cases that includes banning of accounts for doing something ,it doesn't matter whether it is right or wrong ,if the people in power don't like your content and your content goes against them then they can ban your account or suspend your account or just delete your post , it is not in the case of decentralized social media platforms and that is the thing which gives decentralised platforms edge over centralised social media platforms .

I still think that the decentralized platforms has an edge over centralised platform because of many reasons that I have told you above , hope some day a decentralised system will come some set of rules and regulations of not spreading hate and pornographic content , and that will change the entire social media world .

How steemit decentralization social media is better than Twitter and Facebook?

There could be a lot of reasons that proves that Steemit decentralised social media network is far better than Twitter and Facebook , some of the reasons are :

  • If you are running some sort of business online on the centralised platform , there are chances of your account getting banned and closed that can lead to a lot of loss , while on Steemit you can run any business or promote any type of your product , your account will not be banned .

  • As we all know that our data has been watched by the makers and our data is not safe and that leads to the not so safe account , maybe account can be hacked by a hacker in the centralised social media platforms while in Steemit no one can hack your account and steal your information about your keys other informations.

  • You can earn money by posting your daily life and taking part in the different contest happening on the platform of Steemit , while on instagram or twitter you won't get any reward for posting except some abuse from a guy you don't know .

  • People use instagram and twitter for fun but on the Steemit we can learn many thing about cryptocurrencies and trading on Steemit cryptoacademy and can make profit.

  • On instagram and twitter , if you post something that is right but against the guidelines of that platform , your post or content will get deleted and maybe your account get suspended too , but here on Steemit you can share anything, talk about anything you feel without any hesitation with the use of diary .

  • On Steemit people are posting diary and the users are getting involved with them by doing comments , by reading other person's diary we got to know about a lot of things going on in ty world , but on instagram and twitter people are posting content that can get them fame whether the content is good , and nowadays some of the content on instagram and twitter is not good , can't be watched with parents or children's .

What do you say? How do Steemit social media change the lives of millions of its users?

Steemit is changing the lives of its users in may ways :

  • Many poor students and people can make account on Steemit and post their daily life through diary game and get rewards through Steemit blockchain , they can convert that reward into the currency of their nation , so that they can make money for their studies and households.

  • Nowadays there is a lot of unemployment and lockdown ,people are closed in their houses without any source of income , so Steemit can help them with the matter of money , any person who is qualified to write can write his or her personal blogs and can make money .

  • I will be taking my example now , as I'm in the 3rd year of my graduation , but my college is closed since last year , but I have to pay fee to get a degree , so u get to k kw about Steemit and steemitcryptoacademy and now I take lectures on steemitcryptoacademy and write homework that gives me a lot of reward and give me an offer to make a lot of money. So any student who is little bit qualified and can write will be easily getting reward for their work on Steemit.

  • Steemit has given chances to the housewives of the families , they can show their cooking talent and get rewards in the SteemFoods community , so it gives equal chance to everybody to get rewards and make money , and that's how Steemit is changing the lives of housewives .

  • People who loves writing and don't get acknowledged and praised ,they can post their articles or writings in writing&reviews community and make rewards and money , that is how an artist's live has changed by coming on Steemit platform .

How can we make money with Steemit's decentralized social media?

There are a lot of ways of making money through steemit's decentralized social media platform :

  • Best of india : By sharing your regular activities and jotting it down in the form of a diary or in the form of the blog , you can get rewards from the steem curator in the form of Steem dollars and steem power and you can make money by converting them into the currency of your nation .

  • SteemitCryptoAcademy : Here in this community ,professors choose a topic and teach us about something related to cryptocurrency and trading and leave some questions for us to donon the form of homework , you just have to do the homework in order to get rewards and money .

  • SteemFoods : In this community , weekly contest are organised or planned to make a dish(traditional or native) , you just have to make that dish or tell about the recipe and process , if your post get selected then you will get reward and can get money for the post you made .

  • Writing and reviews : If you are a writer and write , then this community is for you , various contest organized in that platform where you have to write review , story and about yourself and if you win you can get reward and make money .

  • Newcomers' community : In this community you will get to know about how Steemit works with the help.of achievement , a full guide of achievements is there by which you can complete your achievements and get to know about Steemit , like : Applying markdown , reference to the source and various website of steem , and for every achievement you will get reward and make money .

So here I told about various ways of earning money in the platform .

How to create communities on Steemit social media?

  • I will be showing you how to create a community on Steemit step by step


  • Click on the Steemit in the green colour at the top of the page of your account .


  • Now a page will appear , where you can see an option of exploring communities , click in exploring communities .


  • Now all the communities will open and there is an option to create a community , click on create a community .


  • Now write title and description of your community and click on next.


  • Now your owner name and password will appear and a confirmation of saving username and password so save username and password and proceed or click on create community.


  • now a confirmation page will appear where you have to pay 3 steems for the confirmation to be complete , click on ok button.


  • Now you can see my community it has been created now click on get started .


  • Here you can see the main page of my community .

So I have shown all the steps of making a community .


  • if I were to choose a platform I would choose decentralised social media platform that goes by some rules of restricting bad content , I think that will change the whole world of social media .

Ps : all the screenshots are taken and edited by me from my Steemit account.

That was all from my side ,
For the attention of @yousafharoonkhan and @stream4u .


Twitter share link :

As I don't have any facebook account , I made a new one and then posted it, facebook link:

Thank you for joining The Steemit Crypto Academy Courses Season 2 Week5 and participated in the Homework Task.

  • yes steemit is changing the many people life, and in lock down, thousand people can get benefit from this social media,

I will be taking my example now , as I'm in the 3rd year of my graduation , but my college is closed since last year , but I have to pay fee to get a degree , so u get to k kw about Steemit and steemitcryptoacademy and now I take lectures on steemitcryptoacademy and write homework that gives me a lot of reward and give me an offer to make a lot of money. So any student who is little bit qualified and can write will be easily getting reward for their work on Steemit.

it is great example, so love to steemit,, spread the word of steemit to every corner of your area, so my purpose of this course to inform the world that steemit is changing our life

  • look fine home,

thank you very much for taking participate in this class

Grade : 9

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