Steemit Crypto Academy | Course for @stream4u - Crypto Margin Trading & Crypto Leveraged Tokens Trading



Thanks to all the community of #SteemitCryptoAcademy firstly thanking God for a new day and a new opportunity to grow in terms of wisdom and learning thanks also to professor @stream4u for leading such a masterful lecture very professional, and to finish thanks to all the legents and people who want to enter this digital world full of magic highs and literal lows. in this development we will see the trading margin of cryptocurrencies.


we understand that margin trading allows you to trade with borrowed money within a platform to maximize your profits from 1X to 125X depending on the platform you choose the initial investment is blocked giving as a guarantee your capital invested in the platform in this way you borrow the assets you requested to be traded within the system these assets can not be removed while the contract is open.

it is recommended to make correct market analysis and go with the right trend because you can either earn a lot of money or you can lose it all, mistakes here are usually very expensive.

There are several types of margin in the market

short margin that allows you to determine the future for a certain time of 5 to 10 minutes for the time you choose the operation the money is blocked until the time ends

long margin for an indefinite time the operation remains open in the market, remember until you manually exit the operation.

The two profit margins both short and long have the same concept at the time of investing but with the only detail that one you exit when you want manually and the other remains locked for a contract time you choose.

Example of margin trading

if you have 1000$ and you open a long market position for X10 the open amount is 10.000$ this means that your capital for the trading operation is 10 times more than the one you had before if you enter in operation and the price goes up 1% you would be earning 100$ when the position closes. you would get 1100$ and the other 9000 are returned plus a small % to the lender.

not everything is positive remember that there is something called volatility of the digital market when we lose the market closes us and we get out of operation this is called liquidation of trading margin.

taking into account the previous example let's suppose you have $10,000 and you enter a trade the market automatically sets a liquidation margin at $9500 if the price touches that point automatically the trade closes and you are liquidated the lender will be refunded the $9500 immediately and the trader loses $1000 automatically.

How to plan margin trading?

First prepare us psychologically, have the basics clear keep control at all times cool mind, to enter into an operation of this type will depend on the type of analysis you do the correct prediction if you are new I recommend you practice a lot currently there are platforms that allow this type of negotiations with fake currencies, but if you already have experience in the market this is no problem for you focus and know yourself first.

Always study the entry to a trade and the exit of the same in a time determined by you.

Do not pay too much attention to feelings as they are a double-edged sword, euphoria and greed are your main enemies, follow a clear strategy and allow you to obtain profitable income.

Name of the crypto exchanges that provide a margin trading service and what margin do they provide?

I understand that currently there are some exchanges that allow margin trading, I will name them one by one with the % in X of what they currently give.


What is leveraged token trading?

In cryptocurrency trading there are exchanges that offer the service of leverage and have exclusive tokens for them can only be used for this trade and without tokens that are only used for this purpose depending on the trend you choose in binance are used BNBBUP / BNBBULL, ALSO THE BNBDOWN / BNBBEAR. they are tokens used to determine the trend if one goes up the other goes down and the other way around. in TORO we can find the BULL to be used in bullish margins on the other hand we have HEDGE which is used for bearish trends.

The trend is determined by you so it is highly recommended to determine a trend to be "BULL or BEAR" (bullish or bearish) for each operation according to the analysis you perform in the market you are going to operate.

How to plan a leveraged token trade?

Generate a visualization of the market we want to trade and make a technical analysis of it.

To have clear entry and exit positions regardless of whether it is bearish or bullish.

it is recommended to invest the money that is intended for this purpose remember that the risk is quite high. you can win a lot but you can lose everything.

you can win a lot but you can lose everything, so you must prepare yourself psychologically to start trading.

Name of crypto exchanges that provide a leveraged token service and the margin they provide on leveraged tokens.

kraken offers us a leverage of X5
Bitmax offers us a leverage of X3
Huobit offers us a leverage of x5
Kucoin offers us a leverage X10

these loans are determined by a margin of loans and capitalization offered by each Exchange named.

Price forecast for crypto assets XXXXXX. (This is a similar question from the previous course, take any crypto asset chart graph, according to its current price and its market trend predict its future price for next week only, what will be its future price for next week. direction up or down, but explain it properly on what basis you have predicted the price. What will be the possible low and high for next week).

Analysis of a BTC /USDT market 4H

For today 04/05/2021 we have a pretty clear scenario that is divided into 2 possible market actions
looking at the chart and making the corresponding technical anxieties we see that the value of the btc is in a very important area of purchase and volume so you can expect a relatively stable range for a rise while the other option is less likely to break the range of volume and down to $ 48 is the next area of potential volume in the BTC market. to make ranges or break but that would be another analysis.
currently my analysis of the market is totally bullish until it tells me otherwise.

it is now recommended to buy and hold with a stop loss of 10 or 12% depending on what you want to lose in case it goes down a little. but my trend is still bullish so next week we have a possible rise touching or arriving near its previous high as the trend would remain bullish for the moment.



We should never enter an operation without due study thus anticipating the trend that will have for such a date or certain time set we saw that if we are not careful in the leverage market in matters of time we can either win a lot or lose everything. this will be due to the accuracy in their future operations we must anticipate the outcome with very professional analysis. we also saw how to perform a technical ansias to BTC where it indicates the uptrend in the market and a slight pullback to the high volume zone we see that if you keep the time passes and the options every time are more bullish than bearish so in my opinion my trend for the coming week is bullish.


by @perozo23


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